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This is a question The Soundtrack of your Life

Che Grimsdale writes: Now that Simon Cowell's stolen Everybody Hurts, tell us about songs that mean something to you - good, bad, funny or tragic, appropriate or totally inappropriate songs that were playing at key times.

(, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 13:30)
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Captain Beaky... that's the first music I remember.

"The bravest animals in the land are Captain Beaky and his band
That's Timid Toad, Reckless Rat, Artful Owl and Batty Bat
They march through the woodlands singing songs
That tell how they have righted wrongs"

A song about anthropomorphic personifications of animals, collaborating as a well organised bunch of vigilantes. Nothing sinister there.

Here you go.. www.btinternet.com/~poetspage/beaky/beaky.mp3

Listening to it now makes my grin from ear to ear, and I wonder how many kids these days'd be entertained by sitting around a creaky old record player, listening to this stuff.

Twiggy singing Roland the Rat: dig the Bass Sax!: www.btinternet.com/~poetspage/beaky/roland.mp3

The Beaky albums were awesome www.btinternet.com/~poetspage/beaky/
I suggest you listen to them :)
(, Fri 29 Jan 2010, 11:56, 4 replies)
Good old "Hissing Sid"
top villain name if I ever heard one...
(, Fri 29 Jan 2010, 12:17, closed)
I'd have sworn I'd never heard of this until New Years Eve.

My friend was playing in the car as he drove us to a party. He seemed incredulous that none of his passengers remembered Captain Beaky as it was basically the soundtrack to his youth.

Despite us all being the same age and having grown up together, all we could do was share blank looks and even blanker memories.
(, Fri 29 Jan 2010, 12:23, closed)
.. he's the only one amongst you who's not a closet charver :)
(, Fri 29 Jan 2010, 12:31, closed)
My own..
Childhood album was an old Wombles LP that I got from a Boys Brigade jumble sale. Probably explains why I can barely bring myself to throw anything away!
(, Fri 29 Jan 2010, 12:39, closed)

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