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Home » Question of the Week » Strict Parents » Post 74356 | Search
This is a question Strict Parents

I always thought my parents were quite strict, but I can't think of anything they actually banned me from doing, whereas a good friend was under no circumstances allowed to watch ITV because of the adverts.

This week's Time Out mentions some poor sod who was banned from sitting in the aisle seats at cinemas because, according to their mother, "drug dealers patrol the aisles, injecting people in the arm."

What were you banned from doing as a kid by loopy parents?

(, Thu 8 Mar 2007, 12:37)
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When our group of mates were organising a holiday together (aged 19) ...
... and we were sorting out what food supplies to buy, Rachael's mum told us not to get those new squeezy bottles of ketchup, cos you have to break the foil seal at the top, and a bit might fall in and then you'd choke on it.
(, Sun 11 Mar 2007, 0:19, Reply)

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