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This is a question The Boss

My chief at a large retail chain used to decide on head office redundancies by chanting "One potato, two potato" over the staff list. Tell us about your mad psycho bosses - collect your P45 on the way out.

Bruce Springsteen jokes = Ban, ridicule

(, Thu 18 Jun 2009, 13:06)
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I'm In Charge I Run A Tight Ship and I'm A Twat..
Ah, the wonderful world of the leisure industry as anyone on here, who, like me, works in nightclubs will tell you that you will come across a fair share of bosses, managers, assistant managers and overpaid arrogant twats who take it out on the lower ranks purely on the basis that they had no friends when they started out in the business as glass collectors...

That said, I've had a fair share of managers, some who have been outright cunts, and others who have'nt - here's a small handfull that I've come across during my many years behind the DJ stand...

I've had a manager who took me on as a resident, paid me a shed load of money, only to sack me, then use photocopies of my invoices to cash in on my wages for himself. Cunt.

Two guys that ran the local pub, where I worked for a number of years, who used our saturday nights as an all out party for us, our staff and the customers, usually involving lots of free beer, stupid games, snorting vodka and climbing up the light fittings for a bet - ending in either serious injury or a round of applause, injuries usually compensated by more free beer. Legends.

Another who was 'skimming the tills' then randomly sacking staff to cover his own back - got caught when he tried to blame me, but I was one step ahead and recorded my till count on a video camera and sent it to head office. Cunt.

One guy who had regular staff drinks on a Saturday which usually involved lots of drinking games, and using the whole club as an assault course so we could have three legged races against each other, spent loads of time organising staff trips to Blackpool, York and Leeds as 'training and research trips' which was basically an excuse for the entire workforce to get absolutely twatted on Corky's shots. Legend.

A bloke who turned up one day, introduced himself as the new manager and single-handedly destroyed one of our biggest events, ruined the club, put forward an absolutely dire refurb and made the club redundant all in a matter of months. Cunt.

Another who was caught banging a girl in the office when our doorlads popped in to let him know the police were here to do a license check, and upon being discovered mid-shagging said 'Alright lads, no worries, tell em' I'll be down in a minute, I'll just finish off here first and I'll be straight down..' Legend.

..and finally, some foreign geezer who sacked all our doorstaff for no reason, then on a night out decided to tell one of said doorstaff 'he was useless' and woke up in intensive care. Genius.

There are many more, and there will be more to come - but hey, that's the leisure industry for you!

Shame I did'nt sign up before the 'nightclubs' QOTW - I'd have needed a whole section for myself.

Length? - About 20 minutes in the cloakroom queue without a ticket.
(, Thu 18 Jun 2009, 16:16, Reply)

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