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This is a question Worst Band Ever

If I was in charge of the B3ta fatwa department, we wouldn't be hearing too much from Simply Red in the future. Who's on your musical shit list and why?

(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 12:00)
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really? nobody's said this yet?
the fucking SPICE GIRLS.
reasons for this are:

they're the spice girls.
they sing.
they delivered unto us the curse of Posh.
but mostly, for the use of the phrase "girl power", spouted by every chavvy little scrotette.
yes, i'm talking about you, doing your shopping in pink pyjamas and ugg botts, you with the ill-advised and poorly executed amy winehouse hairdo.
you and your mate, the one showing off about a third of her grungy-looking thong and way too much nasty anal cleavage.
the next time one of you blobs of gene-pool effluent screams "GIRL POWER!" at me when you're pissed, i swear i will garrotte you with the strap of your knock-off radley handbag.
(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 20:51, 7 replies)
...and then for some reason
Geri Halliwell became a UN goodwill ambassador..... WTF???
(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 20:57, closed)
maybe they thought she'd go down well
in famine-hit countries, considering how skeletonescque she went
(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 21:01, closed)
Or that she'd get assassinated or kidnapped or something like that...
so maybe not such a bad idea after all
(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 21:04, closed)
as long as we get rid of her

(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 21:07, closed)
Why not?

(, Fri 31 Dec 2010, 0:19, closed)
The Spice Girls' music is utter rubbish and "Posh Spice" is a talentless dumb twunt, BUT
why do you have to keep bashing "chavvy" people, SmashMonkey? Are you really that sophisticated or what?
(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 22:27, closed)
not at all
it just pisses me off that i live in an area where the girls are so stupid that they think emulating a person too fucking lazy to dress themselves properly before going to the shops is a good idea. the decline in standards is causing the level to fall faster and faster. why can't they just have a bit of pride in themselves?
(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 22:50, closed)

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