b3ta.com user Synaptyx
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I like fudge.

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» Shoddy Presents

They've lived with us for years, how do they not know us!?
My Gran once gave me an amazingly bad plastic and metal 'racing car' that looked like it was a giant version of something that came out of an illegally imported chinese made Christmas cracker. I was 15. I blame my lack of a £30,000+ per year job on the red paint which obviously contained lead and poisoned me in some previously unknown and success draining way. She also used to give us our age in pound coins on our birthdays, she'd had enough apparently by the time we got to 22, we'd gone from £21 the previous year to £10 - which seems to have stuck, I'm 31. My wife is quite amazingly shit at buying Christmas presents, so I buy my own. I got a 60Gb mp3 player last year, she got a CD.
(Fri 24th Sep 2004, 22:38, More)