b3ta.com user Do The Whirlwind
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Profile for Do The Whirlwind:
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Manky irish art student.

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Best answers to questions:

» Pure Ignorance

Customers; the new americans
As far as I can tell, the general public are a load of braindead fecking eejits, and Im glad to see some people on here seem to agree with me. To continue on a running theme, this has to do with a very silly lady and her inabilty to grasp how credit cards work, (as in the signature is on the back for a reason).
She tried to buy clothes with her husband's credit card, and done her nut when I refused to accept it as it wasn't hers. "But its my husbands', and we have a joint account", she squealed. I pointed out that I had no way of knowing who she was married to, and it was illegal for me to accept it. She started screaming about why was she was able to take money out of the cashpoint with it then, and flounced off. "Cos you know the PIN number, ya daft bitch", was me reply.
Idiots, the lot of them.
(Mon 10th Jan 2005, 20:58, More)

» Work Experience

What were the chances?
A few years ago when I was studying Journalism in Dublin's fair city, I managed to get work experience in a famous Dublin listings magazine. My initial excitement was quashed when I realised I would not be brought along to interview rock stars. No, my 2 weeks would mainly consist of coffee runs and sorting out the back catalogue room and picture library. The usual work experience shite.
Towards the end of the two weeks, they finally gave me a brief; to write quite a long and important article about Paddy’s Day. I was gonna be paid and all, at the normal rate, so I was mad excited.

I wrote me article, handed it in, and went on my merry way, pleased that I would finally get a proper article printed in a proper paper for proper money. I waited in excitement for the issue with my article to come out.
Alas, fate was against me.

Paddy’s Day was cancelled. Fecking foot and mouth.
No article, no money, one very pissed off 17yr old Journalism student.

Insert generic joke about length here.
(Sun 13th May 2007, 12:46, More)

» How I Skive Off Work

I work in a department store part time after college
and landed the best job in the place. I run the canteen, which involves me taking orders for lunch, which i buy in tescos in the same shopping centre. I spend the rest of the day chattin to my mates while they have their breaks, and slowly washing dishes whilst listening to the cure, the cocteau twins, the smiths and idlewild ( that was todays musical selection). I get nearly ten euros an hour for this, and I don't even have to sit on the till, or deal with a single customer, hahaha, life is good. ;)
(Sat 30th Apr 2005, 19:44, More)

» I just don't get it

cheesecake is made of cheese! Cream cheese! Thats why its called cheese cake!
eejit... ;P
(Tue 5th Apr 2005, 22:46, More)

» Useless Information

yeah, i saw him on the telly. In fairness though, they are both very very small.
(Sun 20th Mar 2005, 17:31, More)
[read all their answers]