b3ta.com user rockstar
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» Books

Rude Kids
by Chris Donald.

As an aspiring cartoonist handicapped by the lack of any artistic ability, this book never fails to give me hope that one day I might just chuck in my job and make a gazillion dollars (I'm from NZ, we don't even measure stuff in pounds) doing something I love.

He might not own an airline or a rocket ship, but I'd be more inclined to hear him speak than some beardy who does.
(Sat 7th Jan 2012, 0:50, More)

» Inappropriate crushes

Jo Frost
I could certainly go a few minutes on her naughty spot fnaar fnaar!
(Fri 29th Sep 2006, 9:41, More)

» Oldies vs Computers

Accountants should only be allowed pen and paper
Me: Hello, IT

CFO: I've got a CD stuck in the CD-rom

Me: It happens, I'll take a look.

CFO: It's one of those mini-CDs and it's stuck in the mini-CD holder

Me: (scratches head) Um...ok.

Arrives at CFO's office, checks CD-Rom, all clear.

CFO: No, no. The Mini-CD holder.

Me: (removing mini-CD from floppy drive with pliers) You might want to try it in the large CD holder.
(Sat 23rd Sep 2006, 6:24, More)