b3ta.com user underwhelmed
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» Petty Sabotage

Check, mate
After two terms of having a really great, slightly mad English teacher, he went on Sabbatical, leaving us with a totally out-of-her-depth sub. We broke her in three weeks.
Our desks were in a big horseshoe shape, she liked to prance around and lecture from the middle. Over the course of a double lesson we slowly moved all the desks towards the centre.
She turned around to find herself wedged between three tables. Properly stuck. We didn't let her out at the end of the lesson. I think she actually cried tears of rage.
(Fri 6th May 2005, 17:41, More)

» Petty Sabotage

Gullible's Travels
You know the netsend you can do on some computers? Back in the day at school I realised that the netsend box and the print alert box looked the same... netsend somebody 'x document has printed at x printer' and the twunts would spent ages trying to find the documents. Techie man didn't like it. He made me copy out the computer policy. I photocopied it. He didn't like that either :(
(Thu 5th May 2005, 18:45, More)

» Best Graffiti Ever

Lewis Daly
In the science library toilet I was amused to see a range of graffiti dedicated to an unknown 'Lewis Daly'...gems such as "Lewis Daly fucked your mum" or the more intellectual "Lewis Daly has had more pricks than a second hand dartboard." However, the piece de resistance kept me chuckling for hours; "Lewis Daly hopes lost children are never found."
Photoevidence: snipurl.com/1j94y
(Thu 3rd May 2007, 23:09, More)

» Injured Siblings

Please Mr Blood Sucking Monkey
Pray, what were doing playing with your sister in the bath?

Facetious questions aside, I have a fine recollection of realising as a juvenile that an improperly grounded (or something) plug retained a bit of charge (or something) even after being unplugged. (To all you dirty physics geeks, it happened, and I don't care why), so I enjoyed myself by unplugging a kettle or whatnot and swinging it against my sister's legs. Repeatedly. For days. Cue painful shocks and interesting burns, and of course it was impossible to blame dodgy electrics on yours truly.
I also have a much clearer reaction of an attack on the twin-brains with a cricket bat by aforementioned sister. I cried, like the little girl I was never meant to be.
(Sun 21st Aug 2005, 17:36, More)

» Injured Siblings

Ahh, sibling rivalry
Back in the day, my sis and I went to the same shitty little school, and during one memorable game of it in the playground, she decided to defend one of her friends (it was in the rules... I don't remember how) and then decided the best way to put this into effect was to stab me with a pencil.
In the eye.
And the slunting lead only broke off and lodged in my eyelid.
I had to go to hospital with a teacher dripping water on my eye because I couldn't blink...

Showed her in the end though, locked her in a trunk and went to see a film with some friends. Come to think of it, that was harsh. :)
(Thu 18th Aug 2005, 13:34, More)
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