b3ta.com user Teddy Bear
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» My computer gave away my secrets

Yeah, and he didn't even apologise!
(Mon 13th Feb 2006, 16:01, More)

» Injured Siblings

Garden Forks?
My sister and I were out in the garden one sunny day (Don't get many here...) I was using the big garden fork and she had a little hand trowel.

She kept asking for a shot, but as she is seven years younger I knew she shouldn't get it.

I had to go in for something (can't remember what) I told her not to touch the fork (big mistake)

As soon as I got inside I heard a massive scream! She'd lifted the fork high in the air, went to bang it into the ground when her little foot got in the way!

She managed to put one of the spikes right through her foot, luckily it missed anything vital but I got the mother of all rows when our folks came out.
(Fri 19th Aug 2005, 22:21, More)