b3ta.com user tylerseviltwin
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» Insults

Thanks to Rob n Dave
"Your mum does it for money.....with you...she gives you your pocket money and you give it right back..."

Hi by the way, I'm new.....
(Sat 6th Oct 2007, 19:18, More)

» Family codes and rituals

Sayings from my youth
This takes me back - here goes:-

My Dad used to finish his dinner and then announce "Ah well, I'll adjourn" before disappearing to watch TV. Mum hated it...

If, as a younger evil twin, I used to pass wind, my Dad would spend the next 10 minutes searching behind the settee for an imaginary mouse, shouting "Where's the mouse, where's the mouse?.

If Mummy Twin was in pain, she would be in "agony Ivy".

When my Dad came home from work, mother would announce "Here's your father, stand by your beds".

As a 5 year old, I developed the habit of asking both parents "Are you allright?" every 5-10 minutes. I also used to say "Hello" if there was a lull in conversation. For no apparent reason. I still do the "Allright" one with Mrs Twin to this day. Now that does annoy her....

My brother in law is still referred to as "Huncle" by my 17yr old daughter. We, on the other hand, still refer to her as "Mimsy" or "Emiwee" instead of Emily.

I'm sure there are lots more but my creative juices have dried up for a while. Eewwww.
(Sat 22nd Nov 2008, 18:08, More)