b3ta.com user Wonners
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» Nativity Plays

Mixed race white couple? Better than a tree I suppose...
I got to play Joseph in our nativity at school and Mary was played by a girl who I had a major crush on. Only thing I found confusing was that we were both white but the baby jebus was black?!

My later school performances included 2nd chef in a tenuously crafted scene for 3 of us who were off sick when the parts for the main play were being given out and I later went on to play "the tree" in another bible story which I can't remember the name of.
(Mon 30th Mar 2009, 20:57, More)

» Worst Nicknames Ever

why dave???
Well my real name is Pete, but one day one of my brothers mates decide I look like I should be called Dave.

So anyway my brother and his mates start calling me Dave all the time; at first I found this very annoying but the more I complained the more they did so I just let it go in an attempt to get them to stop.(You know "if you rise above it they will eventually stop" thing)

It didn't work.

So my brother and his mates called me Dave all the time wether I complained or not so I got used to it.

Then after a while my entire family start calling me Dave so now I'm stuck with it - it has got to the point that if someone calls me Pete I don't look around as I think they must mean someone else!
(Thu 18th May 2006, 20:13, More)