b3ta.com user chickmonkey
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» * PFFT *

Intercity chuck-up
After consuming 2 xmas dinners and all the other xmas eating stuff (mmm mince pies etc.) I was travelling back on the train to london with my then girlf when I let one go. You know it's bad when it stings your arse on the way out. The ticket inspector has just entered the carriage when my girlf caught a whiff - she promptly retched and made a dash for the loo, pushing the inspector out the way, where she then threw up. Nice. Neither her, the ticket inspector or the other passengers were too impressed. Evenn I felt a bit ill...
PFFFFT (first post!)
(Fri 13th Jul 2007, 16:37, More)

» Insults

two goodies...
i like 'cock-monkey' - as in 'shut-up you flaming cock-monkey
'twat wagon' to describe any 4x4 or SUV as they are invariably driven by twats
and (from brass-eye)
'have some self-re-cocking-spect'
(Thu 4th Oct 2007, 14:13, More)