b3ta.com user Engine
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Best answers to questions:

» Why should you be fired from your job?

If you think CAMRA are twats...
Hello everyone. Long time lurker first time poster.
If you attended the recent CAMRA Beer Festival in Nottinghams only pub with a canal going through it I'd just like you to know that on that day you drank quite a lot of my piss and the piss of some other coworkers.
Lager rules!
(Tue 14th Aug 2007, 10:22, More)

» Pet Peeves

Nice to see so many peeves on here I agree with...
Do you say 'Can I get' instead of 'Can I have'?

If you do and you're not actually an American person could you stop it please?
Thanks awfully.
(Fri 2nd May 2008, 16:24, More)