b3ta.com user mikeray
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» Terrible Parenting

questionable parenting
Oh my where do I start. Dad and mom had four kids 2 boys 2 girls. We were raised on a carnival until I was 6.

1)Dad sold my sister and myself ages 3 and 4 to a couple that lived in Canada just outside Buffalo New York while the carnival was in town. Just before leaving he told the Canadian mounties that the couple stole us and had us retrieved.
2)We had a wildlife tent with assorted animals. One spider monkey that sat in his cage and jerked off constantly to throw sperm on whoever walked by. Had a Chimpanzee named Gus that lived in the travel home with us, acted pretty close to human. My wonderful parents use to let Gus babysit us two younger kids while they were working. A man who eventually became my step dad (Don) beat me one day in front of Gus and he attacked the man. While this was happening Gus bit Dons thumb off (yes I mean off). Minutes later the police arrived and proceeded to shoot Gus in front my sister an me.
3)My mother was the stripper on the carnival that anyone could watch dance for two bits a gander.
Three bits and she would blow ya (Ive been told). She went on to divorce my dad and marry Don and then many others. I haven't seen her in 33 years.
4)After the divorce dad takes us to West Virginia to live with the meanest women to ever live. She just happens to be our grandmother. I guess we were just to much for her so she puts us in a orphanage. We never had a visitor until Dad shows up to get us back. In the meantime he meets and marries a women that may be the most disgustingly vile craziest drama queen on the planet. This lady proceeded to feed us mac and cheese for the next 10 years while beating
us and creating havoc whenever possible.
5)Just in case thats not enough my father raped all four sisters for years. The scum sucking weasel now live a lonely life as a recluse and will die soon but not soon enough.
(Wed 22nd Aug 2007, 1:32, More)