b3ta.com user closetgeek
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» Customers from Hell

i used to work in a restaurant
a good old fashioned Eat 'n' Park...the place for smiles ya know. i was working the register and this lady walks in a wants to buy a pie.
stupid bitch. "id like a strawberry pie"
Me. "we dont have a whole one at the moment we can make one if you would like to wait."
*it was our breakfast rush on Sunday after church so it was quite busy and i didnt really have time to make a pie
bitch. "ok fine, how long because im in a hurry"
Me. "Give me ten or fifteen minutes"
So i had to run around and find a manager to take over the register go in the back and cut all the damn strawberries and put the gross strawberry goo all over it and load it with whipped topping. after about 15 of pit making i walk out and there is the bitch waiting for her pie. so i package it all up right in front of her, the whole pie. i put it in a bag ring it up and hand it to her with a big smile and she says.
"Oh i just wanted a piece of pie"
Me. incredibly frustrated because we had about half a pie that i could have cut, "oh im sorry but you didnt say a piece you said you wanted a pie."
bitch. "no i said a piece...can i see your manager"
me now uber pissed off go get my manager and tell her what happened and then this lady completely freaks out saying how she had to wait a whole 15 minutes for something she asked for!
people are so stupid they need to be sent to their own island. i quit that job because i couldnt deal with all the dumbass people
(Sun 7th Sep 2008, 6:19, More)

» Will you go out with me?

i showed him my tits
he liked them, but then he fell in love with me so i dumped him

harsh i know, but i didnt like him that much
(Mon 1st Sep 2008, 5:29, More)