b3ta.com user Morgana De Faeye
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» Easiest Job Ever

Student Ambassador
When I was at university I got the prestigious role of promoting my university. This involved hob-nobbing with potential students, telling them how wonderful our university was. These events usually involved sitting around waiting for people to arrive, then eating buffet, nice chocolate cake, quiche, nibbles and drinking lots of wine. We even managed to sneak a few friends in as 'potential students' and used the night as pre-lash. As poor students the event was also a chance to gather some much needed supplies. Always heading to the buffet with large handbags, you could get a few days fill of sandwiches. However, eating buffet pretzels for breakfast is pretty low. For this job we got paid £7 an hour, and usually got paid over time because of clerical errors with the hours rota.

One time no students turned up, for a days campus tours ect, due to swine flu. Unfortunately not only did we end up with their lunch vouchers but we also got paid for the full days work.
(Sat 11th Sep 2010, 20:44, More)