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Like a scene from The Exorcist, I once spewed a stomach-full of blood all over a charming nurse as I came round after a major dental operation. Tell us your tales of red, red horror.

(, Thu 7 Aug 2008, 14:39)
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Gangrenous blood infection
OH yes.

There I was skateboarding at the soon-to-be-defunct Harrow Skatepark, ripping the shit out of the affectionately labelled "Bollocks".

The guy I was with (a Texan, no less, Texas Tim we called him) was a less experienced skater and didnt forsee my incredible cutbacks, and dropped in on me, with his 80's 50kg tankboard, stopping it, and his entire body weight, on one small spot on my shin.

It hurt, like an unexpected goatse in the morning. There was a big dent in my shin, the bone had shattered at the point of impact and all you could see was white at first, but hen came the blood. Not too much of it really, enough to stick my trousers to my shins every time I took a step.

In my young and pig-headed way I failed to get medical attention and in fact kept skating once the pain had numbed.

cue 2 days later, I wake up in agony, unable to walk properly. The congealed location of impact was a funny colour, but even worse was the blue/green cololur of the veins running up the leg. This blue/green/yellow colour continued up to just below my groin.

6 Nurofen liquid and some good old British grit and I made it to the doctor to be told if I'd left it any longer there would have been a chance the horrendous infection would have made it to my heart and then I would have been in some serious trouble.

Its a good thing the penecillin worked as it would have been an amputation job otherwise.

That was 5 years ago and the wound is still scabbing today! Lovely.

The moral: Clean your wounds. Clean them you fools!
(, Fri 8 Aug 2008, 13:21, 1 reply)
I grew up in Harrow!
spent many a happy hour eyeing up boys in that skate park as a teenager.
(, Fri 8 Aug 2008, 15:44, closed)

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