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Home » Question of the Week » Evidence that you're getting old » Post 16976 | Search
This is a question Evidence that you're getting old

Youthful as I am, I realised yesterday that I no-longer know, or care, who is #1 in the charts. Furthermore, it takes all day to get rid of a hangover and I now seem to have a profound interest in gardening. Worst is that I now use words like 'furthermore'.

What makes you think that you are getting old?

(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 13:01)
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Old fart already...
I'm in a respectable job as one of a team of Network Technicians at a local FE college. I live in a flat on my own and manage all of my own finances. I bought a 1985 3-door 1 litre VW Polo because I "only need a small car and it's more economical"...

...and I went down the pub a few weeks back with a mate after a particularly bad week at work, both of us with the sole intention of getting thoroughly rat-arsed - and gave up after 1 pint each because we "couldn't be bothered" to get pissed. We then went to our respective homes and had an early night.

Oh yeah - and I'm 19½.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 14:07, Reply)

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