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This is a question Scars with history

You've all got scars: they're nature's little reminders not to be so damned stupid next time. My favourite is the 1/4" round hole in the back of my right hand, created when I was 7 by my best friend putting a manure-covered gardening fork "away".

Tell us the stories behind your scars. With photos if possible.

(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 10:00)
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Happy memories
I have a two six-stitch scars on my scrotum, corresponding exactly to the fixed locations of my lovely balls following an emergency torsion-related surgery when I was just 17. Nowadays, when the light catches it just so, my "happy sack" looks like a startled badger with a reasonably sized snout.

It's all coming back to me, as if the indignity of having my fledgeling pubic mane shaved wasn't enough, the (quite young and pretty) nurse who did it rasped her way through the process with no shaving foam. The post-prep scene was a bit like post-bomb Hiroshima - rubble everywhere with the occasional warped-looking building unaccountably spared. Oh! The humanity!
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 15:43, Reply)

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