b3ta.com user GiantSpaceNinja
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» Have you ever been dumped in a spectacular way?

My first and most recent break-up...
Was after five pretty uneventful (in the sense of nothing bad happening) months. I didn't know why at first, because she wouldn't tell me. Then I sort of figured it out...I had had a short fling with one of her friends before going out with her, who was coming on to me, and how could I resist that? Also, the person I had the fling with was not only cheating on her boyfreind, which I did know, but they were also engaged, which I didn't know.

When me and my girlfriend had being going out for roughly five months, the news got out and the person I had seen before my girlfiend decided it would be a good idea to deny that we we ever did anything, and so I started getting all these nice messages to "stop spreading rumors," and she probably told my girlfriend that I was a horrible person and she should break up with me immediately too boot. So there you go.
(Fri 18th Jun 2004, 4:00, More)