b3ta.com user Mr_Alex
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Best answers to questions:

» Petty Sabotage

my school had a public server that students would put assignments on so they could work on them from anywhere. i would look up homework that i needed to do, change the name and then change the date to a day before so that it looked like they copied me. not really sabotage but i got a few people in trouble for copying me...

also razored the top of this one guy's diablo 2 cd so that he had to shell out forty more bucks to get a new one.
(Sun 8th May 2005, 6:30, More)

» Guilty Pleasures

breaking and entering
i enjoy jumping fences, climbing in thru dog doors and open windows just in case i need to break into someones house someday. its really fun.
(Sun 10th Apr 2005, 18:33, More)