b3ta.com user Carpet Burns
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» Jobsworths

Jobsworths ? we invented them !
I work for a council and, in line with our policy of cutting traffic pollution, we've now banned working from home. That's right, banned. Why ? Officially it's because they can't guarantee "health and safety" - like my house is a mass of unguarded whirling blades, rabid dogs and WMDs or something (unofficially, it's because it's popular so out it goes)
(Thu 12th May 2005, 23:21, More)

» Urban Legends

When I was a kid my Dad had a Ford Anglia with a manual choke which he always adjusted to the leanest possible mix to save petrol. This meant we frequently bounced down the street away from our house while he shouted "Kangaroo Petrol Kids !"

For decades afterwards I believed Amoco sold inferior quality Australian petrol and would avoid them even after I learned to drive and got my own car.
(Thu 5th Jan 2006, 20:16, More)