b3ta.com user supermeerkat
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» I was drunk when I bought this

Domain purchasing
A few years back when I discovered the joys of the internet through broadband, I bought a domain for personal use. Shortly afterwards I realised that I could potentially make a profit by purchasing domains and then sell them on ebay, therefore becoming a sucessful dotcom entrepreneur.

Fast forward several days:I was drunkenly surfing late one night, and I noticed the domains pSYchopath.com, .net, .co.uk and .org were up for sale. Quick as a flash I purchased them, imagining the fine profit I would make from them on ebay. I spent several more hours surfing before the alcohol forced me to pass out.

Several days letter the paper work associated with my new domains arrived, and I noticed that I had bought the domains pYSchopath.com,.net, .co.uk and .org. My friends were less than supportive, and laughed long and hard, and I recieved several dictionaries for my birthday later thay month.

I tried to sell my mispelled domains on ebay, but no-one bought them, leaving me thoroughly pissed off. Shortly afterwards the dotcom bubble messily burst, and I never attempted to sell domain names again.
(Tue 14th Jun 2005, 10:54, More)

» Birthdays

My dad mostly never remembers when my birthday is
My birthdays tend to get rather weird when my Dad gets involved. Two in every three times he forgets when my birthday is, and phones to ask me - it's 50 / 50 for him phoning before and after the date in question.

Several years back Dad phoned me a week after my birthday, to ask when it was and arranged to visit me. Upon the visit he bought me a box of car tools, which I didn't want or understand what they were for. He then borrowed them from me several days later and I never saw them until I recieved them for my birthday the next year, again a week late, but this time there were tools missing from it and oily thumb prints on the box.

I'm 33 and he has missed my birthday for about 2/3s of my life.
(Fri 9th Dec 2005, 12:28, More)

» Your Weirdest Teacher

Scarred maths teachers
Mrs B, a maths teacher, had a massive scar across her forehead which resulted from a drunken game of rugby on a school trip to Belgium. In that game she attempted to tackle a 6th former she obviously fancied, missed and hit a goal post face first.

She wasn't exactly the best of teachers before the accident, but afterwards she exhibited signs of what we took to be brain damage. She also spoke like Martin Brown from Radioactive.
(Fri 11th Nov 2005, 8:59, More)

» Your Weirdest Teacher

Chemistry teacher
A lab assistant told us that Mr N, the Chemistry Teacher, recieved a tent as a Christmas present and proceeded to use it for the rest of the aforementioed holiday.

Mr N was an enormous man, with a barrel chest and looked like Atlas, and whenever he bent over desks to explain something his shirt rode up his back and exposed his grubby off-white underpants, whose waist band was ripped and torn. He bent over desks a lot, particularly those occupied by girls, and when he did most of the class would stop what they were doing to giggle and stare at his undies.
(Fri 11th Nov 2005, 9:12, More)

» Your Weirdest Teacher

The PE Teachers
As I cast my mind back I can't think of a normal PE teacher in any school I've been in. They all seemed not quite right in the head in some way or another.

Mr M, a little, ginger, wrinkly PE teacher, would loudly exhort us to wash under our foreskins in the after PE shower. He would also join us, naked, in the showers in order to check that everyone had showered, bellowing as he did so that there was "nothing more natural than being naked". He would occasionaly comment on the endowment or quantities of pubic hair of anyone who got to close him.

Mr J, was welsh, unbelievably thick set, had an enormous unibrow and if he wasn't running around the playing field, he wore a permanent expression of confused irritation, as if the world was too complicated for him. If you were no good at cricket he made you stand as far away the action as possible so you "didn't get in way of the action", and if you sat down or started talking to someone he'd yell incoherently at you until you stopped doing it.
(Fri 11th Nov 2005, 12:31, More)
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