b3ta.com user dazzleb
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Profile for dazzleb:
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Living in Madrid. It's a bit like a living breathing newsletter. With tapas.

VERY Lazy. Have never posted anything due to a complete lack of computer/animation/humour skills.

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» PE Lessons

Physical embarrasment
The "forgotten your kit" things seems to be a recurring theme. I remember at the age of seven or so having brought everything bar my shorts being told to stand in my underpants in front of the class. Nothing unusual there this had happened several times before however the teacher then proceeded to punch two holes into an old paper tescos bags (remember them?) made me wear these impromptu shorts and then tied them with a piece of string "belt". This was considerably more embarassing than just pants. didnĀ“t get a girlfriend for quite while....(this could be down to the haircut I had at the time but I can't be sure).
(Fri 20th Nov 2009, 12:02, More)