b3ta.com user nutttywings
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» * PFFT *

Peppermint Fresh
I was on some serious painkillers for a broken back, a side effect was to "stop" everything (in the pooing dept)... so to counteract this they gave me pure peppermint oil tablets to assist in getting everything moving. I have 100% genuinely achieved minty fresh farts... I think you can get the tablets over the counter at the chemist if you want to try this at home.
(Wed 18th Jul 2007, 11:27, More)

» The Dirty Secrets of Your Trade

I work as an IT Consultant
I make it up as I go along with documents involving big words taken from the dictionary and thesaurus and charge people a large amount of money for stuff they could of (and normally have) worked out for themselves.
But I don't think this counts as a trade secret?

Used to work as a Chef - will not repeat anything I used to do as you would never eat out again. No.1 rule - never send your food back. No.2 If your waiter/tress looks stressed be very very nice to them
(Thu 27th Sep 2007, 17:58, More)

» * PFFT *

I am a "lady"
And my i boast to releasing the most noxious gasses known to humankind (generally after lager). And I fluff the duvet and stick my boyfriends head under it.

There are 2 girls and 3 boys living in my house, and us girls beat the boys hands down to burping, farting and really enjoying our own flatulance

It's not the length that counts and boys are rubbish
(Tue 17th Jul 2007, 13:19, More)

» Missing body parts

I have no Coccyx
it was fractured and twisted and stopped my legs working so it was cool when they took it away. I did ask for it in a jar (like my wisdom teeth that i still have) but they said no. I don't have an appendix either but that seems to be dead common, and I asked for that in a jar as well but apparently it was in pieces... some people are no fun.
(Fri 2nd Jun 2006, 20:42, More)

» Rubbish Towns

Born, Brought Up, Still live there
*feels need to apologise*

*returns back under stone*
(Thu 29th Oct 2009, 12:20, More)
[read all their answers]