b3ta.com user qwerty123
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» Beautiful but Bonkers

And old boyfriend of mine
allegedly lost his virginity to someone four years older than him when he was eleven. Probably not true, but you know.

I know that his mum bought him porn mags at the age of twelve, as he wasn't old enough to get them himself, because he took the time to show them to me. As though I wanted to know what a diseased cock looks like. (I was a year younger than him).

Whilst I was going out with him he spent his spare time playing strip blackjack with older girls, but went mental when I accidentally called him by a male friend's name in a normal conversation, legging it around the house smashing things and scaring me somewhat. He was that obsessive I'd end up spending about fourteen hours a day with him.. and when he got home he'd phone me.

I think he's done just about everything it's possible to do with one or more girls, and he has now slept with about fifteen different people... the most recent of which was a friend's soon-to-be stepmum.

Not bad for a sixteen-year-old.
(Sun 19th Nov 2006, 17:41, More)

» Dentists

You think YOU'VE had it bad?
They took seven of my teeth out. SEVEN. AT ONCE. Fair enough, seven teeth isn't *quite* the eight that another b3tan had removed, but...

As well as the missing teeth, I got my gums quite literally peeled back, and had these "packs" sewn to the roof of my mouth to cover up the gaping holes where they had wrenched some new teeth through. (Heh, and a week later the threads on one of the packs broke, so I had half of it hanging off. This meant it caught on all my food and tried to rip out the tender skin it was attached to.)

After the "procedure", I demand a mirror through mime the second I get back to my hospital room on my wheely bed. Argh. Pete Burns lookalike, covered in blood, teeth like a zebra crossing. Can hardly breathe through my mouth without pain, never mind talk.

Icing on the cake, this, though. I can go home that same day, but I'm not allowed to leave the hospital until I've eaten a plate of tuna sandwiches.

(Thu 2nd Nov 2006, 20:41, More)