b3ta.com user IsDelicious
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Profile for IsDelicious:
Profile Info:

I've got to be the longest running b3ta lurker ever!

Recent front page messages:


it'll be all the rage by thursday
(Wed 30th Jan 2002, 18:19, More)

socks aren't

nice for kittens, apparently
(Tue 29th Jan 2002, 8:12, More)

Best answers to questions:

» Worst Nicknames Ever

Kids can be so cruel...
In elementary school I was one of those kids who was just begging to be teased (I've been told I'm very pretty blushing and in tears).

At the time I was known as Jenna, a nickname that had carried over from kindergarten. Some wiseass thought it would be funny, as I hit the growth spurt early, to start calling me "Jenna Tall"..

the name stuck until some teacher got wind of it a few weeks later =(
(Sat 20th May 2006, 2:52, More)

» Join us... come join the cult

No, but my mum is
After growing up catholic and then converting to Judaism for 20 years, then getting sick of that, my mum found spirituality in a new community that is a bit....wierd.

We don't really know/comment about what she does every sunday now, but here's one of my(only) brushes with this culty-type church:

I was in town and my mother had asked me to help decorate for this large party she was putting on (she moonlights as an event planner so this is nothing out of the ordinary)
..I didn't know it was for her church at the time

I get there and immediately everyone in the vicinity gathers around me. my mum comes up, introduces me, and the maybe 5-6 people by me surround me in a big group hug. they introduce themselves while in this position.
feeling not a little bit awkward, I say hello and get on with helping out putting up decorations, wiring lighting, etc.

The problem was that people would stop, join hands, and say a prayer before EVERYTHING. I mean everything: "Oh Spirit, help me lay the tablecloth properly." "Oh Spirit, aid me in hanging this spotlight." "Oh Spirit, I thank you for allowing me to arrange these appetizers in an appealing fashion."
The job must have taken at least an extra couple of hours than it should have to set up.

Luckily I did my bit and left post haste. My mum was quite annoyed that I didn't stick around for the party, though.
(Fri 27th Jan 2006, 19:27, More)