b3ta.com user cuntstubble
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Best answers to questions:

» Best Graffiti Ever

I can see the bum
ARSE VIEW DRIVE in Bearsden, near Glasgow is an effluent (sic) area. Formerly Carse view of course.

My least facourite bit of graffiti was on the back of a toilet door at Uni, which suggested a meet time for 'cockfun'. Halfway through my shit I realised that the date and the time was at that very moment. I shat so quick it hurt for days.
(Tue 8th May 2007, 15:57, More)

» What's the most horrific thing you've seen?

Hot Man-Tapas
In Barcelona, in an alleyway just of La Ramblas, I had the dubious pleasure of seeing a tramp excrete a steady, unyielding stream of caramel shitwater from his anus directly into the mouth of an expectant stray dog. I was sick in the street. Guess who cleaned up that little mess?
(Fri 22nd Jun 2007, 12:53, More)

» Pet Stories

My girlfriend found an abandoned days old kitten underneath the shed when she was a girl. They coaxed it out and reared it, though it remained partially feral, coming and going as it pleased. The day came to visit the vet, and in the waiting room she realised that the kitten didn't really have a name, save for "kitten". Or so she thought. Actually her mum had registered quite a different name with the vet. So when the assistant called for "Spunky Sue" there was considerable shock and emabarassment.
(Fri 8th Jun 2007, 14:12, More)