b3ta.com user nevillebartos
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» Secret Santa

Last year I got two cans of guinness........
...to start of with, not so bad you might think, it was also accompanied and an ashtray that was very similar to this. Quite funny but not when the Director of my department asks to see what I've got (I should also point out she's also a Pastor outside of work), cue much embarrasment on my part, plus I was a little bit pissed that everyone now knows I smoke. Nice.

The year before that I got some bloody chocolate covered ants that must have cost all of 2 quid.

I'm not looking forward to this year.

Oh, also my mate once a woman he workes with a 'Know body knows I'm a lesbian t-shirt' which was quite random seeing as she was married and has three kids.
(Tue 19th Dec 2006, 10:33, More)