b3ta.com user babsbunny
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Best answers to questions:

» Accidental innuendo

Slip of the tongue...
Everyone's mother or grandmother seems to have an incredible knack at the accidental innuendo. My mother is no different.

She would ring me from time to time to tell me all the news/gossip at home and on one particular day we were talking about a neighbour that was having an unfortunate run of health.

'She had been suffering from chest pains' my mam was telling me. So I politely enquired was she getting anything done about it to which my mother replied 'Yeah, her pipes are a bit clogged so she's going to hospital for a blow job'. Me on the other side absolutely speechless, when mam goes 'Oh look what I just said, no no not one of those but the things ....hmmmm....I think they are called angioblasts'. Not too sure what I said after that because the sheer concentration of trying not to laugh ruined my memory.
(Sun 15th Jun 2008, 13:25, More)

» Kids

A long time ago...
When I was only a baby bunny, my dad taught me how to wink. Winking is quite an achievement for a baby bunny and I thought that I was the bees knees and winked at all and sundry that would wink at me.

Now, one day a friend of my daddy's came to the house and he is an absolute gentleman, lovey dude but unfortunately suffered from a nervous facial tic. This tic caused him to wink quite often along with a kind of jerking head movement.

I was delighted thinking that I had someone playing the winking game with me and winked back with all my might as a baby bunny. My mam didnt think is was as funny and I had to be removed from the burrow. The story is still told to this day at all the family occasions....mortified babs bunny.
(Fri 18th Apr 2008, 15:50, More)

» Phobias

Hippy Jippies
Cauliflower makes my stomach turn. Not sure where the irrational fear of that vegetable comes from. Its not even the taste its the TEXTURE.

Also, cannot handle other peoples hair, particularly in plugholes or on beds.... Just not right.
(Fri 11th Apr 2008, 15:49, More)