b3ta.com user mintie
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» Accidental animal cruelty

Piss, Piss and ferrets!
Right ages ago, my family used to keep ferrets as pets,We had a boy ferret called gizmo, he was fascinated by the toilet.
one day i forgot to close the door whilst using it, so in he came. saw that the toilet seat was up and that he could jump in and have a look, but what he didnt notice was me, using it. So he climbed up the toilet and tried to jump in. Lucky before he hit the toilet now full with piss i caught him, but he went into the line of fire. so there i am holding this ferret over the toilet whilst still pissing ... on him.
ran down the stairs after i finished with a soaked ferret at arms length whilst shouting ' my i pissed on Gizmo! '
(Sun 9th Dec 2007, 2:46, More)