b3ta.com user Elvis_The_Sn@il
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Profile for Elvis_The_Sn@il:
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My picture featured on Bananaman's lovely paintmash.co.uk. While you're there, check out the rest of the site too (although if you're a b3tan and you've never seen it, you probably live in a cave.

Name: Rees Clissold

Date Of Birth: 15/03/1984 (Making me 18)

Hi. I'm Rees. I'm a student. In fact I'm probably the student. Well, as far as I know. I'm one of the regular morning crew on b3ta and have done a fair bit of 'shopping myself. I'll try to track down the old pics and put 'em on here for you to see.

I drive a 1988 Mini City. I've seen more of what's inside and under the bonnet than I actually have out of the windscreen (although it does cope surprisingly well with all this cold weather!)

If you'd like to know just how nice I really am in conversation, click here

Anyway I'll be re-doing this probably next time I change my name. Until then, peace, love, happiness, and some other good things.

Picture Of The Moment:

How many times does it have to be said that fluffy kittens just aren't safe riding giant stuffed snails on Italian roads anymore?

Clicky Woo And Email Me If You Have Nowt Better To Do. Ciao For Now.

Kittens Shopped:


Animals harmed in the making of this profile


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