b3ta.com user Mister Negative
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» School Days

Just remebered!
Picture the scene. RS a bunch of "wierd" kids,
(as that is what we were called for not liking popular music and not dressing like a pikey.the exact terms given were emos, goths.. or "mentally unstable" in my case...)

so a bunch of "wierd kids" (about 12 of us..)equally irritate dthta the "populars" who clearly had no interest in the subject had taken over our class sitting in the corner doing make up as always,
Imagine our faces when another one turns up, (who looks like Neil from the young ones coincidently) after nine weeks, thinking shes better and attempts to push us around,

Then picture our faces when we find out she got transferred for having a more than teacher student relationship with somone :-D
then imagine how quickly the piss taking caught on, especially when somone compared her to a shark
Chaging the ethics question from an affari between office worker and secretary to teacher and student, Humming the jaws theme tune, picking up on her "quotes" (shut up! im trying to learn, whats the point!, your so easily amused Farmerjam!!)

sorry for length and overall crapness and unfunniness, but ive had to put up with her, thought id share the burden :-D
(Sun 1st Feb 2009, 15:00, More)

» School Days

ahhh year nine biology..
year nine biology, submitting questions such as "what is a glory hole?" signed by the class victim into the new,rather ignorant teacher and watching her read them out as her face turned bright red :-)
(Sun 1st Feb 2009, 14:19, More)

» Will you go out with me?

Not the last girl i asked
but the girl before i asked threw up on me

to top it off

she then said no

(Fri 29th Aug 2008, 12:13, More)

» Conspiracy theory nutters

Catch On, Win It, Milk It...
I myself have been know for starting wild conspiracy theories mainly due to the facts that:
A.) They piss people off.
B.) It makes people think, thus frustrating them
C.) Im a VIth form student...and so am really really bored

My favourite one is the one concocted with my best friend, the Swine Flu conspiracy.

It’s relatively simple:
Swine flu was created just around the same time as the credit crunch, and due to said crunch people were buying less luxury goods and cheaper alternatives to more expensive brands.
Because of this the sales of Kleenex, lemsip, Soothers and paracetemol went down, this got the "corporate bastards" annoyed. And they marched to parliament (secretly of course....)

Meanwhile, parliament was up to their nuts in crisis and anger, people were furious about the crunch and blamed our MPs for it, they needed a distraction, and with the Belligerent racists not going into big brother for a few weeks, no heartbreaking X-factor stories weren’t around and most importantly of all Michael Jackson was still alive. They needed a diversion and quick.
Things all came to a head (snigger.) when the two met and they of course concocted the plan for a fictitious disease, which would:
1.) Drive the sales of brand flu products and tissues back up (ASDA’s own tissue are crap.)
2.) Distract people away from the government...

Insane Ramblings, the results of way too much time on our hands, or the complete surprising truth? You decide...
(Sat 29th Aug 2009, 0:22, More)

» Tramps

I live in North Wales
and in and around where i live there are a few tramps/winos/crackheads etc.
There’s the man who rides his bicycle up and down the promenade singing continuously for hours on end, The Issue sellers who played the penny whistle in exchange for a friends cake on their birthday, and the CCTV Guy (perhaps more on him in a later post.)
But best of all there is Chris, who is the typical tramp, long scruffy beard dirty clothes etc. Over the years he’s been subject to a number of rumours;
1.) He’s a tramp due to his wife’s death/child’s death
2.) He’s actually a millionaire and just does it all for laughs
3.) He was once a genius, really high paid scientist or something who for some reason left his job and took up a life on the streets
Of course there’s no way to verify this aside from asking him, and due to his fantastic levels of inebriation this is difficult.
Im just wondering as to whether any one else has heard rumours such as this about the tramps around them?

Apologies for length
(Thu 2nd Jul 2009, 21:56, More)
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