b3ta.com user fruit_larceny
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Profile for fruit_larceny:
Profile Info:

I like hats, cats and technology.

I enjoy sitting in front of a fire drinking hot chocolate and eating biscuits.

I describe myself so rarely that this is all I can think of.

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Best answers to questions:

» Impulse buys

Time to post methinks.
My friend and I once bought two tequila shots on impulse the first day we met and now we're engaged...so if you call the price of a shot leading to the cost of wedding based activities a disaster or triumph, it certainly is an impulse caused event. I also have a hobby of going into shops and asking about their display boxes/posters. Basically in a sort of 'can I have that' way. It started with just asking about smallish items from favourite games/films but has extended into massive sale posters from most high street stores, twelve unwanted mannequins, uniforms from marks and spencer, woolworths (retro value one day i'm sure) and john lewis. That's not exactly impulse buying but it's certainly filling my house
(Fri 22nd May 2009, 20:58, More)

» Things we do to fit in

oh god, fitting in...
Changing my entire personality and tastes and style just to get in with a lovely young lady I met in that cesspit known as uni halls.
Didn't work of course, but then I started being my long haired, slightly camp, model painting self again and she was right there...
I still cringe at what I turned into just for her though

Lesson there?

Standard uni peer pressure situations as well -cigarettes, drugs etc. mercifully remained addiction free though (fingers crossed)

Wow this was too long for a first go, Apologies.
(Fri 16th Jan 2009, 0:07, More)

» Public Sex

Oh dear...
Up against the wonderful Grafton centre in Cambridge...and if that lovely old couple that walked past read this I am STILL ashamed that I and my lady were that intoxicated so please no more accusing looks when I walk past you on the street..
(Mon 27th Apr 2009, 20:17, More)

» School Days

Odd but..
one of my most vivid primary school memories is the day of the bomb scare. We all had to be evacuated from the school, some even had to be taken to stay at RAF Lyneham for a bit because some farmer had found an unexploded jerry bomb in his field. Disappointing in the end, one of those tiny bomb disposal detonations, being a small boy I of course wantd it to go off properly.
No interesting secondary stories, although I did once make out with the young, pert female teacher I'd had a crush on, but this was years after leaving.
Sorry for lack of interest, I planned for more but it just wasn't on the cards
(Fri 30th Jan 2009, 10:31, More)