b3ta.com user thebarkingdog
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» Schadenfreude

slip sliding away
I've been doing a few home renovations of late, part of this included ripping up all the carpet and replacing it with floating floorboards. After a hard days work the passageway was completed. Que the cat returning home after a day of sitting in the sun and chasing the skinks, she decides to have one of her "nut out" moments which in general involving running around the house like a rabbit on rocket skates. If you've not yet guessed, she flies down the passage and attempts to turn the corner only to find the floor a little more slippery than usual meaning she can't stop and BAM! right into wall. oh how i laughed as she picked herself up and did the "i don't know what you are talking about, i would never do something so stupid you must be thinking of the dog" thing that only cats can.

its my first time so i hope the punchline didn't come to quickly...
(Mon 21st Dec 2009, 1:46, More)