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# inbreds in duncecaps with teddy bears?
oh my.

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(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 0:58, archived)
# only in
the land of the free.

Edit: I know people like that in GB too I suppose
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:00, archived)
# heh.
i love that joke.

edit: they're all over, but i'm specifically laughing at the costumes at the moment. if there were an idiot pageant, they'd win.

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(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:02, archived)
# I've never been a racist,
I guess growing up in an area which is almost all white and thus only meeting people of another colour in situations of my choosing I was never really exposed to racism in others and, by the time I realised that other people were racist, it was too late for the idea to develop in me.

Shame, 'cos the outfits are really rather natty.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:01, archived)
# i always think of those old princess hats when i see them.
bigots to me are very curious, as i find loud ignorance amusing.

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(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:03, archived)
# you
just like teh teddies!
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:04, archived)
# I realised
when I was 10 or something, that these terms "white" and "black" referred to the pink and brown people.... it came as a shock.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:06, archived)
# we plaid people are superior to all you monochrome fools.
*sniffs with disdain*
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(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:10, archived)
# No good plaid sons of bitches.
Kill 'em all I say
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:21, archived)
# Plaids are ok
Its the checkered mother fuckers you want to watch out for!

Gun ya down on the streets they will!
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:26, archived)
# I remember my sister,
when I was about nine and we first got a televison, saying 'Mum, mum, there's a gorilla talking on the telly' and it was George 'Trevor' Macdonald. Up to that point she had never seen a black person.

I think that for me, only ever knowing Solomon Singh (who was only ever, even in later years, teased because his name was, to our ears, 'sing') strange to think that anyone was considered anything other than a person.

My mother asked me about my new friend solomon and I described him as having brown hair and brown eyes.

It did not even occur to me to metion that he was the only dark child in the school. It is hard for me to understand racism, but a lot of that is chance.

Much like paedophiles, I find it hard not to feel sorry for racists in a way (although I abhor their actions). it is easy for me not to be unpleasant to persons who don't look like me, or to not fuck kids, because I have no urge to behave in these ways.

If I did hate black people / Jews / Inuits / the Welsh, or want to fuck children, then not being prejudiced (or not showing or acting on my prejudice) and not fucking kids might be hard.

I often think about this. If it was illegal for me to sleep with my wife and it was considered perverse by society then I might struggle to behave in a socially acceptable manner, but I am fortunate in that my tastes conform. I am not even gay!

It must be very difficult to spend one's whole life finding children sexually attractive and not being able to act on that.

Of course, it goes without saying that if anyone touched my girls I'd fucking kill them, but I am grateful that I am a hetrosexual liberal man, it makes things so much easier.

well, that was deeper than is necessary.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:19, archived)
# not too deep
and amazingly open minded of you.

Personally I have two mixed race children, and if anyone comes near them I'll kill em :|

You show a tolerance that belies your hamtouchingness. Don't feel guilty for conforming, feel comfortable in yourself.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:26, archived)
# Jamaica?

Klan of the Dreddy Bear
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:32, archived)
# stop it, you silly boy
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:34, archived)
# A question which you need not answer (der! it is the intermawebs after all)
Which way around? I have a friend who's father is black and who's mother was white and he also has white mother (and, I think eight children now the dirty bugger) and I fancy that it is probably easier to be a white man with a black (or, to be honest, non-white) woman than vice versa.

I don't know why, I just assume that racial and sexual prejudice are likely to go hand in hand among those whi have that sort of predeliction.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:47, archived)
# it's not easy either way
I was chased by rudies and by skinheads back in the early days, we both were, for that matter.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:50, archived)
# Living in Exeter we have a lot of mixed race couples.
I guess that, outside of the Indian / Pakistani communities there are so few ethnic groups that to remain within the same group would require interbreeding before too long.

Things are a lot better here than elsewhere and I think that things are getting better everywhere, but it is odd to think that you could get attacked at any time just for living your life.

I get shit occassionaly (often really) off the chavs for having long hair and a beard but, whilst I have had knives pulled on me on the way home from work and stuff, I could, when it comes down to it, cut my fucking hair.

As I say, it is relatively easy for me, I am white with white children and a white wife and a job and no disabilities and my hair isn't ginger except in a few spots around the sides of my moustache.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:55, archived)
# cunt them in the fuck
that's what I say. *eats a haslet sandwich*
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:00, archived)
# You sick fuck.
There are limits you know.

There is a line.

Haslet is well on the other side of it.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:10, archived)
# oh, but it's the finest of all suspicious pork products
mmmm, haslet.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:12, archived)
# Ahem?
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:13, archived)
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:30, archived)
# What an annoyingly inappropriate advert.
*downloads adblock*
*continues reading*

A very good article and exactly what I meant.

It is easy for me not to fuck children, but it isn't easy for paedophiles. That must be one hell of a burden.

"The word paedophile does no more than describe a sexual orientation, it's not a behaviour or an action. The action is abuse."

May I ask why you had such an article so readily to hand? It suggests an interest in the subject which is more than passing. (i.e. you might be a professional, rather than a paedophile).
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:33, archived)
# I'm glad he did
it shows that at least someone has more than 1 brain cell active when considering the matter.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:48, archived)
# Sadly not. I remembered the article from another message board,
probably a BBC one, where the discussion was about Gary Glitter.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:50, archived)
# I bet he
bums the fuck out of the family dog though
See? Having read only half of that, I can safely say that if he'd have gorn orf and done himself in like he ort to have done, I've forgotten my point. Bloody alcohol.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:41, archived)
# Hmm.
I have huge desires to jump when passing over water (eg the Forth / severn / Tay bridges) or near cliffs.

That doesn't make me suicidal.

Equally, just because it contained imagery of misery and death does not make that a good analogy.

I appologise.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:49, archived)
# Fear not!
I tend to just say mad things in a hope to raise a chuckle. there are very few subjects about which I'll ever make a serious comment. If I were to think about it seriously i'd probably break my brain. I never talk seriously about stuff i don't understand or have never experienced.... I cant help having a crack at a poor taste joke though hehehe

Edit: Incidentally, I get that when in high places too.... i heard it described once.... vertigo isnt a fear of falling, it's a fear of jumping. strange thing, our brains.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:57, archived)
# No.
Too late.

I am offended now.

I'm telling your mum.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:12, archived)
# I find the word
offended offensive to offensive people.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:17, archived)
# that was
very deep indeed! I on the other hand have no sympathy for or understanding of racists/bigots or the like. Oddly, I don't think I ever met a black/brown person before the age of about 25, but I still never thought there to be anything different between them and myself. This despite growing up in the NF capital of the country at the time. But being a gayer, I do know a little of what it is like to fear discrimination.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:34, archived)
# *hugs*
*licks face*
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:35, archived)
# awwww
*wipes face*
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:41, archived)
# it's what I do
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:45, archived)
# Eugh!
A gayer?

*shuns* ;)
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:40, archived)
# *burns embassy*

(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:44, archived)
# *Bums embassy*
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:56, archived)
# at last
a nice warm night!

*Night all*

(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:02, archived)
# Noghty night.
sleep well
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:06, archived)
# you are me!
AICMFP. The extent of my racism extends as far as being mildly embarrased when unable to understand the guy who works in the indian takeaway when i phone an order
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:26, archived)
# I don't get embarrassed.
Black people are black (well, varying shades of brown), white people are white and orange people sell antiques and, with one exception (the exception is incredibly sensitive after having had a lot of abuse) I comment on that where appropriate in the same way as I do Ginger people's hair or girl's boobs.

I like the fact that people are different. If everyone looked and acted just like me then I would not stand out as quite as brilliant as I am.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:30, archived)
# oh no
the man on the end of the phone might be beige with yellow tassles for all i know, but i often get pissed off at myself for being slightly embarrased about saying "Sorry? didnt catch that?" Weird.

Its sort of a weird knee jerk in an attempt not to offend, and it pisses me off, especially when most people round where i live are no mannered racist little shits.

Women, however, are evil and must be subdued.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:35, archived)
# get off it
silly boy. I like you too, now.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:37, archived)
# you mean
you didnt before?

(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 1:38, archived)
# No, I am not like that at all.
I make fun of the chinese guy down the road's accent, but I make fun of the Northern guy who he shares with at least as much.

If you're from Birmingham I hardly know where to start.

The point is that if people are over sensitive then I don't tease them and if they are not then I do.

I see people who are chairbound and nobody ever mentions their chairs, people who are gay and nobody ever talks to them about their partners. That's what is wierd. I talk to the straight guys about their girlfriends, it would seem odd to me not to discuss my gay friends boyfriends. I don't want to know about the blow jobs, but then I don't want to know about that from my straight female friends either. The people I know who are disabled and live in a chair have that as a major part of their lives and the way people ignore it is just odd.

I think there is a belief that discussing stuff like color and sex and disabilities with anyone who isn't a white hetrosexual adonis (that's me by the way, a fucking adonis (:) is wrong. Maybe I'm the idiot, but it seems it is wrong to ignore anything which is a part of who someone is.

Except Americans, obviously.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:03, archived)
# and I believe you have it spot on
overt racism, sexism, anti sexism etc.. it's all crap. You know the bounds of taste within the circle, and thats where things go. W00 for you ability. Now to convert the masses.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:08, archived)
# it's a tall order
but it might just work!

*hands Chewitts*
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:11, archived)
# any haslet flavour?
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:13, archived)
# a whole tube!

*shit I have to be up for work in 3 hours, lucky I only have to stagger across the road nowadays. I really am going now. Night!*
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:20, archived)
# SWMBO had a craving for chewits when she was up the duff the first time 'round.
I thought she was going to lamp a shopkeeper in Cardiff.

"Fruitella? Fucking fruitella?"

She denies it now, but I nearly pissed myself.

The problem with the masses is that there are masses of them.

(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:15, archived)
# yup
thats how my old brain works. Thats why i get pissed at myself for being over sensitive about it. I just tend to try not to offend.
Once I get to know people though.... the barrage of comical questions my gay mate got when he came out were relentless. Only cos I knew HE knew I was taking the piss. I inadvertently found out he is both a giver and a receiver of manly pleasure though, which i never intended to know
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:34, archived)