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» Sep 2006 «

CW's 'Shit I'm Turning 20' Lincoln Bash!

Sorry folks who wanted to come.

I can't compete with motor cars and sex, so I've cancelled.

If you want to come and watch me drink myself into a stupor, feel free.
Sat 9 Sep 2006, 22:00

CW's 'Shit I'm Turning 20' Lincoln Bash!

Going: CaroWallis, Curis, MCQ, Kamikaze Stoat (4 people).

(, Thu 8 Jun 2006, 21:06, Reply)

Never been to Lincoln before either.

B3ta not only makes you laff but broadens your horizons too :D

(, Tue 20 Jun 2006, 11:45, Reply)
Yay! Peoples are coming!

And Lincoln is lovely lovely - I recommend coming for the day at least! :)

(, Fri 23 Jun 2006, 21:01, Reply)
I'm really looking forward to this now

If the sign-up carries on like this
I'll be the only bloke & be surrounded by lots of lovley ladies :D

(, Tue 4 Jul 2006, 16:01, Reply)
Haha - hopefully Curis might be around.

Plus I am relying on other sexy guys to buy me drinks all night! ;)

(, Wed 5 Jul 2006, 22:03, Reply)
Won't be able to make it if it's on the 9th :(

'Cos work are sending me to Amsterdam :D

(, Mon 10 Jul 2006, 15:51, Reply)
Oh noes!!!

Well I scrapped the 2nd - cos I will have only moved in a day - but come visit whenever you like!

(, Mon 10 Jul 2006, 21:58, Reply)
I shall come,

and mourn that I no longer have a teenage blonde for my girlfriend.

(, Thu 13 Jul 2006, 19:40, Reply)
Awwwww - you're the only bloke coming at the moment!

WHAT a shame - I'm sure! Glad to see you're coming though. Or else! ;)

(, Fri 14 Jul 2006, 12:44, Reply)
The only bloke?!

Rarrr! Good thing that my teenage girlfriend will not be there.

(, Fri 14 Jul 2006, 17:34, Reply)
I actually *might* be in Lincoln then


EDIT: it seems not. sorry.
(, Sun 16 Jul 2006, 21:20, Reply)
Oooh - it would be really great if you could come!

If folks want to start suggesting the type of place they'd like to go to as well!

If you've never been to Lincoln there is Uphill and Down-the-hill.
My house is Uphill - but if you want to start drinking Down-the-hill, when you're pissed it's not a bad walk up! Sober, however...

(, Wed 19 Jul 2006, 23:51, Reply)
A provisional yes.

I'm in Lincoln that weekend and if my friends drop out of going out Saturday night then I will be around.

Where do you intend to meet up?

(, Fri 4 Aug 2006, 21:54, Reply)
Scream Bar, if you know it.

For those who don't know:
- It's down hill.
- It's got parking nearby.
- It's nearish the station.
- There's a Marriot right next door for potentially hotel-staying peoples.

(, Tue 15 Aug 2006, 11:33, Reply)
right i'm gonna book saturday the 9th off.

I wanna come to this :D

(, Wed 16 Aug 2006, 15:28, Reply)

More men!

(, Thu 17 Aug 2006, 12:26, Reply)
I'll go! In theory!

(, Wed 16 Aug 2006, 16:21, Reply)

Another man! How exciting!

(, Thu 17 Aug 2006, 12:26, Reply)

stupid uni preparations are going to make me miss this one! ho hum! sorreh

(, Fri 25 Aug 2006, 10:43, Reply)

» Sep 2006 «