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Home » Question of the Week » Evidence that you're getting old » Post 17179 | Search
This is a question Evidence that you're getting old

Youthful as I am, I realised yesterday that I no-longer know, or care, who is #1 in the charts. Furthermore, it takes all day to get rid of a hangover and I now seem to have a profound interest in gardening. Worst is that I now use words like 'furthermore'.

What makes you think that you are getting old?

(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 13:01)
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it took a long time to get used to
being in work when a kid's acting up and hearing their mum say "now stop that or the man will tell you off"... I'm 22 now, but make an effort to keep hold of at least some childish ways, why else would we be on b3ta :-D

oh and when the "baby" next door I had to keep quiet for after 8pm (as a kid) because she would be sleeping passed her driving test
(, Fri 29 Oct 2004, 1:12, Reply)

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