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it is now 7:21 where you are
tell me about your pants

or plans

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:21, 223 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
Good morning K.
My plans today are to take my wife & daughter to the train station (they are going to her parents for a few days). After that I will probably spend my time looking for a job.

I am not yet wearing any pants.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:25, Reply)
no pants wearing mother fucker [literally]
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:27, Reply)

I am wearing my pants in bed. I am about to rise.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:27, Reply)
these are the worst pants stories ever
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:27, Reply)
My pants are white
And I'm on my way to a meeting.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:46, Reply)
I had a meeting on sunday!
it was well shit
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:48, Reply)
I saw a photo of you, sir jeff TeDogFucker
and I'm saddened by your emo hair cut
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:49, Reply)
Well I'm saddened by your face.
And your mum.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:51, Reply)
to be fair, we're both a bit ugly

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:52, Reply)
*munter 5s*
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:54, Reply)
I didn't say you were ugly you twat

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:55, Reply)
Oh. Fair enough.
What is new in K World?
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:57, Reply)
I've had vitamins the past two days.
What's new in J world?
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:58, Reply)
Fuck all.
I need a few days off work. I haven't taken any time off since pier bash.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:01, Reply)
Saying that
I was gonna get my hair cut this week.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:52, Reply)
me too!
I'm getting initials shaved into my undercut
wut wuuuuut
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 7:56, Reply)
No pants.

Plans? I'm off to work for the day. This evening, I'm going to do some housey tidy stuff then get down and dirty with my sewing machines.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:12, Reply)
Morning K
I am in my purple room, wearing white pants with black lace edging. Nothing wrong with wearing matching underwear!

My plans for the rest of theday are to chill out and relax
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:09, Reply)
I have a hangover.
I'll be glad when this self destuctive period of mine is over.

There'll be no party in my pants today.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:22, Reply)
Go for a big shit.
That'll sort your hangover out
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:26, Reply)
I too have a hangover
My stretchy boxers are on and I'm ready to face the world.

After several more mugs of tea.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:26, Reply)
Good day, Cap.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:27, Reply)
No pants yet
As I'm about to crawl in to the shower. Plans are to go to work, try to remain awake for 8 hours and then maybe visit a friend and play scrabble.

I'm so rock and roll I scare myself.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:23, Reply)
My pants are as black as my soul. And my 'guyliner'.
No-one understands my pain. Apart from 'emotional hardcore' musicians from America. I have written the names of these artistes upon my bag to display my affinity with their oeuvre. Thus like-minded individuals can see at a glance the anguish that only I and the many thousands of identically-dressed 'individuals' who populate the 'emotional hardccore' scene feel just from EXISTING in this bleak world.

For I am, you see, a spectactular gaylord.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:26, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:29, Reply)
I'm going to phone a bullying helpline now.
Then I shall compose a short poem about my anguish.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:31, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:36, Reply)
'My Anus', by Montgomery Peregrine St John Boyce.
My soul
Is like a black hole
Black like coal
Not the footballer, you understand - just my little joke, aha
But my anus is purple and distended
Like those monkeys you see
on David Attenborough
It's also covered with polyps
And there's a nasty skid on one of my buttocks.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:43, Reply)
*claps loudly*

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:54, Reply)
stick to slowcore you ancient quender.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:40, Reply)
I knew that as soon as I mentioned any of the 'core' family
your miserable visage would pop up.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:45, Reply)
Is it the whole "straight edge" thing that accompanies emotional hardcore that appeals to you?
I can see you enjoying a nice glass of milk with Ian MacKaye
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:48, Reply)
How right you are.
I love those chaps and their emotional intensity. Like that utter flid Rollins who really should just fucking cheer up - or shut up.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:52, Reply)
yes, this post confirms this.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:59, Reply)
Blue, stripy boxers today
Today I'm going to be working, then when I get home, I'm cooking a rather large bolognaise. Haven't decided whether to do it with penne or spaghetti yet. If there's still plenty of mince left after, I might make lasagne tomorrow too.

Then, I'm seeing Incubus again tomorrow night.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:28, Reply)
Navy y-fronts.
All about y-fronts.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:31, Reply)
Call me old-fashioned, young master Barrington,
but I tend also to wear a trouser of some kind.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:32, Reply)
I'm pioneering a new trend.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:34, Reply)
I admire your adventurous spirit.
Particularly at this time of year. That takes some dedication.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:38, Reply)
Do you mean pants, or do you mean trousers?
I know American-English is all the rage these days, but I still prefer the real language.
My plans involve sitting at a desk occasionally doing some work, more often typing pointless comments on the internet.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:32, Reply)
oh god
please fuck off with your pointless argument when I clearly mean your fucking undergarments you twat
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:36, Reply)
I merely wanted clarification as I often miss the point.
And I did tell you my plans involved pointless comment.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:40, Reply)
considering about 90% of this website tends to use YOUR english it's quite sad if you miss the point
on another note, I'm making tacos
at 3:42 in the morning
what what mother fuckers
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:42, Reply)
That is STR8 GANG$TA, K.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:44, Reply)
Is this the 10% that does not use MY English?
I'm not "down with" Monty's "street talk"
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:50, Reply)
What kind of Tacos?
Also do you pronounce them Tar-Coes, Tay-coes or Ta-coes?
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:50, Reply)
My father insists on pronouncing 'nachos' as if it were a Greek island.
He does it to annoy my brother and me. It works brilliantly.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:53, Reply)
I like to pronounce fajitas
as Fa-Gi-Tas (a bit like vagina)
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:56, Reply)
my mum pronounces them as FAH-HEE-TEES
loudly like that
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:34, Reply)
Don't get your knickers in a twist

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:41, Reply)
Americans are, as is frequently the case, closer to older English.
'Pants' is a contraction of 'pantaloons' - what you call 'pants' here are of course underpants. Or 'pants.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:37, Reply)
In short, say sorry to the gorgeous Kristine here
or I shall have you soundly thrashed.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:39, Reply)
I'm aware of the etymology of the word, from your French forefathers...
and I did not mean any offence to Kristo, I'm just aware of the language barrier between us.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:44, Reply)
oh lord Kristo....I haven't been called that since I was about 19
Kristine fact #22 My license plate used to say Krysto because my mates used to call me that loooooong ago
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:46, Reply)
I saw license plates from Virginia and thought of you
we also saw ones from North and South Carolina.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:56, Reply)
boom boom shake shake the room
what I'm trying to say here is that monty is teh sex
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:45, Reply)
You know it, I know it,
FLY LAYTEEZ across the globe know it.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:48, Reply)
You want to give them fly layteez a wide berth then or Gonz will be all over Lusty.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:51, Reply)
Lusty is well aware of my status as International Casanova.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:56, Reply)
And I can hear her laughing all the way up here.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:58, Reply)
whatever beej
i'd totally stroke monty's beard
if he were old enough to grow one
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:09, Reply)
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:19, Reply)
It's 08:37
And somewhere between Fenchurch Street and Tower Hill I lost my season ticket.

That's less than 300 yards. I'm a genius.

So my plans are to queue for ages to get a replacement and get charged £20 for the pleasure and spend the next year living in fear of losing it again because the bastards will only replace one every 12 months.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:39, Reply)
So, which one of you shut-ins is this

A veritable harem of obedient, low maintenence mung bags.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:41, Reply)
'The Russian Jimmy Saville'

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:44, Reply)
Jingle Jangle Corpses
Did you check out that Sadowitz bootleg? He's got a few, uncharitable, opinions on the late charity necrophile.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:48, Reply)
Shit I clean forgot.
Excellent. Something to look forward to.

Thanks for reminding me.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:48, Reply)
Tuesday is a good day for excessive rage and bile
Get in amongst it.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:51, Reply)
Aye aye captain.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:55, Reply)
I downloaded a wicked album the other day without really knowing what it was, some rap group called "lowdown", proper good political rapping.
I also downloaded Professor Green's latest album, and I wish I could get a refund so it doesn't count towards his sales. On Digital Charts, it would be good if you could post opt out if an album is shit, Profesor Green is such a cock.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:44, Reply)
Did you know that your mate Scooby Doo Pip is playing the Scala in Kings Cross this very eve?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:49, Reply)
near hogwarts passage?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:50, Reply)
Very near indeed.
Hogwart is not happy about this either.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:54, Reply)
I understand Scrotal Sac will not be in attendance, though,
so there is a concern that the 'beats' may be somewhat 'cleaner' than is ideal.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:50, Reply)
Accordding to his website, Pip is playing without DlC, which is fair enough, consdiering DlC has nothing to do with Pip's album.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:53, Reply)
Oh man, I'd really like to see that, but currently my insides are forgetting to be on my inside and I reckon if I go out to the discoteque I'll end up having to use my colon as a scarf =(
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:52, Reply)
Wormulus would approve.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:54, Reply)
He's playing a shit hole pub near me next week.
No idea why.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:12, Reply)
Because he's shit and no-one cares.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:17, Reply)
The words 'proper good' and 'political rapping' have no place in the same sentence as each other.
If I want political advice I certainly don't want it from some tedious knobend like Michael Franti.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:05, Reply)
You read Mein Kampf for that sort of thing, right?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:09, Reply)
I WROTE Mein Kampf for that sort of thing.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:12, Reply)
Sounds like you struggled

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:18, Reply)
Who d'you think you are, Krizzle, Herr Doktor Lemminge or someone, yeah?
I'm not showing you my drawers, alright!
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:57, Reply)
She doesn't want to see them.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:59, Reply)
Especially since they're all grey and fraying round the edges.
I'm glad you've never let yourself go like that.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:01, Reply)
Once they get their claws into a chap they just don't bother anymore Al.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:04, Reply)
You're telling that to a married man?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:04, Reply)
Smell them then?
That's worse.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:02, Reply)
but you're soooooooo preeeeeeeeeeetttttttyyyyyyyy

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:04, Reply)
Oh, I'm not. I'm so ugly and crap and I bet NOBODY wants to pander...

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:06, Reply)
You took too long, Kris.
I've just killed myself. Well done.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:08, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:08, Reply)
Soz can't answer I'm dead

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:09, Reply)
oh shit somebody call the ambulance!

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:10, Reply)
Too late dead

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:13, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:14, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:20, Reply)
*steal wallets from corpse*
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:21, Reply)
Oh Al, you're so controversial.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:27, Reply)
I'm terrible aren't I.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:30, Reply)
What kind of tacos?
In a film I saw they talked about a place doing amazing fish tacos. What kind of fish do you think you would put in a fish taco?
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:12, Reply)
i saw macheté last night, i dint like it

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:13, Reply)
fish tacos sound utterly disgusting

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:13, Reply)
i thought it was a reference to your sex organs tbh

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:14, Reply)
stop talking about my sex organs

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:28, Reply)
Can you pick me up a zinger tower burger?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:09, Reply)
They've run out here.
I'm in Limbo.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:11, Reply)
I don't want to see! I'm not a peeping tom, yeah
that's for other chaps
like battered
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 8:59, Reply)
I've never worn chaps.
They'd give you a cold arse.
You alright you little bastard?
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:01, Reply)
soz cant talk right now scoffing tacos

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:03, Reply)
Do they come from the same place as burritos?
I had a burrito once.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:04, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:08, Reply)
Yeah, and to be honest I thought it was lovely but I wanted to eat it with a knife and fork.
I'll make one at home and eat it that way. One day.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:10, Reply)
one day
this is insane
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:12, Reply)
I have never eaten a burrito
i don't even really know what they are...
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:13, Reply)
what the fuck is wrong with you people
you're all "omg look at my awesome food I cook" but none of it is tacos or burritos
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:14, Reply)
I make fajitas
Are your tacos in hard taco shells or in soft wraps? What is the difference between a taco and a burrito?

The trouble is we don't have many mexicans over here so we don't really have the influence. It's the same way your don't have amazing indian restaurants like Tayyabs.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:17, Reply)
Do you put donkey meat in a burrito?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:19, Reply)
are you only here to write stupid comments?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:20, Reply)
in this case burrito is a euphamism

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:21, Reply)
What is stupid about that comment?
Also: www.b3ta.com/questions/offtopic/post1422484
and: www.b3ta.com/questions/offtopic/post1422497
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:22, Reply)
as I said before, this website is based in UK, no?
when was the last time you ran across an american on OT that didn't know that "pants" meant underwear in UK?
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:26, Reply)
Am I the only resident American on OT???
Other than TRL who pops in now and then, I think I've been the only one for QUITE a while
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:29, Reply)
I think you are.
I think this deserves some sort of special badge.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:31, Reply)
someone make it for me and tag me on facebook and make it a surprise for when I wake up because I have to go pass out now
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for you ALL
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:32, Reply)
There is one American I've come across who doesn't know what I mean
I've moved on from the whole pants/trousers thing. I linked those posts for the bits about me making pointless comments.
Also, burrito = little donkey. Which is why I asked about donkey meat.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:31, Reply)
Don't get her started on "pudding"

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:33, Reply)
oh man i luv u gais
going to bed now k bai
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:35, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:33, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:35, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:09, Reply)
i have forgotten my ipod, this is a disaster

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:10, Reply)
it's alright dude, your ipod has forgotten you too

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:11, Reply)
oh my god
imagine if you like didn't even like had an ipod and you like had to like listen to air
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:11, Reply)
I hate stoopid air

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:12, Reply)
i dont own an ipod
or like an ianything
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:13, Reply)
I listen to a radio.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:13, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:13, Reply)
It's a box with a button that says "Power" and when I push it music comes out.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:17, Reply)
that's crazy man
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:20, Reply)
It's as crazy as "Crazy on you" by Heart which was playing earlier.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:22, Reply)
I think Johnny Marr ripped that off for Bigmouth Strikes Again

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:23, Reply)
oh man I fucking love a good bit of heart
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:26, Reply)
That's because you are a lone office wolf
i need to block out my collegues and go running, i can't run without music
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:18, Reply)
What are you, some sort of running poofter?
I ran 13.2 mile without music, you can at least run a mile.

fucking woofter.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:23, Reply)
I get bored

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:24, Reply)
I can't either.
It motivates me.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:25, Reply)
Did you build this city?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:19, Reply)
On Rock and Roll?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:20, Reply)
How Grace Slick sank so low never ceases to amaze me.
I would have boffed her until her eyes fell out in her Airplane days.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:21, Reply)
I'm going to guess at: cocaine
I'm not aware of any cases of this particular drug making a positive contribution to any musician's career.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:27, Reply)
It made Kurt kill himself

this post is sponsored by MontyBoyce
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:31, Reply)
I don't think that was cocaine
He was a manic depressive heroin addict, with a history of suicide attempts, plus a family history of suicide, who couldn't really get over selling out his "indie" ideals and becoming a product.
Plus he was married to Courtney Love.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:34, Reply)
B*witched split when a coke deal with Louis Walsh went bad
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:36, Reply)
I wish this was true

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:48, Reply)
And his music was shit.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:37, Reply)
It really was.
Suicide was the least he could do to say sorry to the world.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:39, Reply)
As you've said previously, that band is proof that death is good for sales

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:41, Reply)
Black Sabbath's Volume 4 has a dedication to cocaine in the credits;
They were wired to the tits throughout the writing and recording process.

It's also one of their best records. So nerr.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:38, Reply)
Blah blah exception proves rules blah etc.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:42, Reply)
The olympic torch is going passed my house.
I might stand in the window wearing pants drinking a can of special brew as it goes past.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:17, Reply)
Are roundabouts of particular interest to the international community?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:19, Reply)
Nah it's going into Bletchley Park
to rub the germans noses in it, then passes my house through Milton Keynes on the way to Oxford.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:20, Reply)
It's what Diana would have wanted.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:20, Reply)
Daaaarling girl

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:21, Reply)
What, a roundabout?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:22, Reply)
A seatbelt

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:55, Reply)
Hey! I found your little black book.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:22, Reply)
I see you have the abridged version.
The full length edition is in fifteen volumes.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:30, Reply)
To scale though......

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:46, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:53, Reply)
too many tacos
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:28, Reply)
I once had re-fried beans
does that help?
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:30, Reply)
i'm going to die from taco overload
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:31, Reply)
Go and shove your fingers down your throat
worked for Diana
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:32, Reply)
I'm fat for a reason...........................
because puking makes me cry
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:33, Reply)
i have also been to Nandos twice
I feel a great weight lifting by admitting this most terrible secret
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:31, Reply)
For shame.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:39, Reply)
I would like to point out once was with work people and i was given no choice
and the first time i was drunk and sat at a table for 20 minutes wondering why no one came to take my order...
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:41, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:43, Reply)
you know what, though?
i've never been in a nando's; they aren't exactly my scene, being veggie and all.

BUT their extra hot spicy crisps are really good! and also i had some spicy mayo from there to use in a pasta salad once. so i would tolerate that kind of activity, if not actually dining there.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:08, Reply)
The mayo is made by pureeing a chicken

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:10, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:15, Reply)
I had a bottle of their marinade once.
It was tolerable but not thrilling.

But then if you find marinades thrilling there's something quite wrong with you, I suppose.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:14, Reply)
darling, it depends what you are smearing them on
right now i could go for someone's FACE. and then smashing it. with a hammer.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:15, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:37, Reply)
best headline this week

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:38, Reply)
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:38, Reply)
Umm we can sign up bm and two hats right?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:39, Reply)
Please do.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:40, Reply)
Gonz gonz gonz gonz gonz
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:44, Reply)

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:01, Reply)
Wow, this isn't a transparent attempt to ratchet up the tension is it.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:48, Reply)
Some terribly helpful jounalism there...

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:50, Reply)
Fuck em
They should be at college if they don't want to get shot.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:50, Reply)
They should send in PC Simon Harwood to sort them out

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:51, Reply)
Works for me

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:05, Reply)
they are marching right past my office later today
if they stop me getting my itsu rice pot for lunch, or possibly my soup from EAT, there will be HELL TO PAY.

it's all about priorities.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 9:57, Reply)
I can't imagine you interacting with the great unwashed
I find the image quite entertaining...
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:08, Reply)
what if i decide i need houmous?
they would be jumping into the thames to put out the flames.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:09, Reply)
That'd just set the Thames alight, surely?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:15, Reply)
We don't have coal floating down our rivers in the South

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:16, Reply)
I meant the massive amounts of sewage

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:19, Reply)
I like how they didn't use them on the rioters.
Not that I'm standing up for the students, they can go do one too.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:16, Reply)
i saw Thor last ngiht too, that wasn't very good either
had some beer tho so it weren't all bad
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:05, Reply)
wasn't the worst film i ever saw
can't rmember the worst film i ever saw, probably some james bond shit
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:07, Reply)
i could get out more, but it was a monday night and the girlfirends still in a bit of a strop so i was by myself really
might need to start lookin elsewhere
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:08, Reply)
positive response to that email i dind;t send to michelle yesterday is good tho
and sue seems fairly keen so who knows? new girlfirend by christmsA? maybe?
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:09, Reply)
you really are the towellie of OT

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:08, Reply)
what's a towellie ?

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:09, Reply)
"you're the worst character ever, towellie"
"i know"
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:10, Reply)
don't forget to bring a towel!
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:10, Reply)
I saw that one last night.
Reminded me how much I fucking love smoking bongs.

The bit where he plays the intro to Funky Town on that entry pad thing had me in fucking tears.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:13, Reply)
really tho?
i mean fully grown adults watching south park? when did that happen? i thought souht park had its day in the 90s?

HAHAHA badly drwan kids swaering HAHAHAHLOL

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:14, Reply)
It has comedic subtitles that you can only really appreciate with age lad.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:16, Reply)
do you mean subtleties?
i sometimes watch tv with the subtitles on, usually when the neighbours are arguing tho

i do love a bit of domestic abuse
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:16, Reply)
Lazy attempt at trolling is lazy.

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:17, Reply)

Lazy attempt at trolling is lazy

I am a homosexual and i bum kids
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:19, Reply)
Haha, you forgot to add the '+' which means you're saying it in the first person.
(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:27, Reply)
oh no way, now i gotta bum, kids

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:43, Reply)

I have no idea waht anyone is talking about here
I'm guessing it's "film" and i bet it involves that cretin "Eddie Murphy"

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:14, Reply)
haha, you spelt 'what' wrong

(, Tue 8 Nov 2011, 10:15, Reply)

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