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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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Miserable Bastards At Work
They're in every office.. you know the sort I'm talking about.

They're miserable, rude, antisocial and unhelpful and they hide it behind a thinly veiled mask of being 'gritty' or 'down to earth'.

No, you're not gritty, you're a wanker. Why should I approach you with care and massage your fucking ego just because you're completely unable to deal with people on a day to day basis?

Keep your personal issues to yourself, believe me, we care about them less than you know, and make a bloody effort to be civil you arsehole.
(, Tue 6 May 2008, 21:45, 1 reply)
Totally agree
I just left a job and I am so glad I no longer have to work with the annoying wanker I did on a daily basis.

Complaints to my manager were met with "Well that's just how **** is in work - he's grand craic in the pub" It's not acceptable to be so rude and obnoxious on a daily basis that numerous complaints have been made about your attitude!

(, Wed 7 May 2008, 11:24, closed)

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