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# It's Moley's usual brilliant off the wall bizarre
That's what it is, come on broonie :)
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:07, archived)
# which bit is brilliant?
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:14, archived)
# The eyes, the structure of the composition
Have you lost your glasses?
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:19, archived)
# No, I have my glasses on.
I'm not seeing any brilliance though, with the eyes or the "structure of the composition". It just seems to be a small boy in a kilt with what I assume is a crinkle-cut chip pasted on his shoulder. It must be too clever and hilarious for me to comprehend, though if I have in fact understood it correctly, it's clearly a massive ZING. I sure hope the intended target is licking his wounds, having been proven entirely wrong by this genius. I may however have missed the point entirely. Luckily, there are intellectual behemoths like you around to enjoy this sort of thing.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:32, archived)
# i like moths
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:41, archived)
# lol so random as usual :D :D
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:46, archived)
# :D
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:24, archived)
# hahahaha you loon!
(, Sun 7 Dec 2014, 0:57, archived)
# :D
(, Sun 7 Dec 2014, 1:09, archived)
# Oh yes, lucky is the word
The 'nice' contributing folk on here far outweigh the non-contributing, who find fault in many posts. The type of folk who plague the BBC's Points Of View, sitting through programmes they cannot abide, JUST so they can call in and complain. What a sad and shallow life they must lead? If I don't like anything on here (which is very rare, apart from when someone has died and the piss is taken) I simply don't comment. Simple as. I've come across many such folk and they seem to love to hate. You can see them in the check-in lanes at airports, dying to find fault with their holiday, BEFORE it's even begun.

Moley, amongst many others, could post the view from their lounge window, and I would no doubt 'like' it, because they are all genuine, lovely people. Look at Jahled for example, another top bloke, working with animals, a superb and worthy vocation, again, lovely fella. This may seem like a 'rant' but it isn't. B3ta, for me, is where you can vent your creative frustrations, post what you like ( to a certain degree) without censorship. A place where humour is at it's finest and most current. Indeed, sometimes you hear of events on here before the BBC.

B3ta will always be in our soul and be a tool which we use with care and fondness.

Merry Christmas Broonie
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:47, archived)
# I wasn't going to weigh in here as we've exchanged views before
but this place is supposed to have been about comedy and some of the posts lately (from a number of users - I'm not singling any out here) don't appear to have any inherent humour. I'm guilty of it from time to time posting drawings, but I tried to keep it to a minimum.
It always used to have a good social side, but from what you've written above, it's turned into some kind of mumsnet dating site for photoshoppers rather than the comedy product.

(edited to add in the missing 'not')
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:56, archived)
# I wouldn't say mums net
Sure a lot are stronger than others, but it's all down to what people find they enjoy doing. Your pic above is great, I wouldn't say 'funny' but a great twist on a pic. Therefore it should be on here. Admittedly, I love face swaps and post them on here just in case someone likes them. Look at the CDCs you get on here, doesn't float my boat, but I wouldn't have a dig at anyone for posting their pics. That said, there have been some corkers, usually by herman:D

Anyhow, have a dig at me, that's fine, not you in particular Boris, but leave the other kids out of it.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:04, archived)
# I usually stick to what you said above, if it's not your thing, don't post replies,
And if I'm honest, I'm not all that worked up if some of the stuff ain't funny. What I do get cheesed off with is that the place has died. Now, I reckon there's a lot of reasons - Rob abandoning the place; arbitrary moderation that ignores the rules (see the naked woman down there?); passive-aggressive 'yeah, it's ok, but here's how I would do it and I'm clearly better than you'; WEBSITE WEBSITE WEBSITE; no newsletter.
And you know what, it's not you. The problems are way deeper than if I find your stuff funny or not.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:18, archived)
# I blame the recession
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:42, archived)
# The problem with that model is that it inevitably leads to a positive feedback loop.
People post what they want to post, and then other people "like" their posts purely because of who posted them, rather than the content of the post.

If you follow that to its logical conclusion, you'd end up with a messageboard full of unfunny in-jokes and shit forced memes, with each one followed by another fragile-ego validation junkie lavishing praise on it - purely because they know that praise will be reciprocated whenever they post.

I mean, imagine how shit that would be. It's certainly one of the main reasons I stopped bothering to contribute meaningfully to this place, and I know quite a few other former regulars who feel the same way.

But hey, as long as you're all happy sucking each other's internet cocks. All four or five of you who are left here posting frequently.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:22, archived)
# i can't imagine how shit that would be...
can you post a picture?
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:29, archived)
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:44, archived)
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:56, archived)
# :D
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 23:03, archived)
# Thats how things used to be
and it was lovely because newbiews were welcomed
(, Sun 7 Dec 2014, 12:19, archived)
# Love you ;)

(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:20, archived)
# internet cock!
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:26, archived)
# CDC is childish and silly
(, Sun 7 Dec 2014, 9:34, archived)
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:10, archived)
# The direction of the board is ultimately shaped by the users.
I think people have rose tinted glasses about some golden era. There have always been lots of memes and head swaps, they just used to fall off the board faster.

We have lost some good, funny members, but I'd suspect that is more likely down to people bitching than other members doing posts they don't like. I can certainly think of examples of people feeling bullied off the board.

People would probably be better encouraging people who did good work but stopped, rather than moaning about those who do work which they don't personally like. Or just do more of what they want to see themselves and lead by example.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:48, archived)
# ^This^
As usual, your calm, considered opinion (such as your posts) bring a sense of calm.
I know there's a lot of 'I you 'liked' my post, I'll like yours. But Christ, where's the harm in that? If anyone pays me a compliment, I rather like to return the favour. God, life is shirty enough as it is without using that as a reason to gripe.

There's some stuff on here that is brilliant, but, because of work, I don't have chance to comment. I love it here, the humour is always spot on, I'm most cases, when it's not, I skip on by.

Long may B3ta continue :)
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:01, archived)
# "Long may B3ta continue :)"
It won't, though. Rob will pull the plug as soon s the advertising revenue falls below the cost of hosting the site.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:10, archived)
# What advertising revenue?
There are no ads. I doubt the occasional newsletter sponsorship from Pact coffee covers much hosting. Pretty sure Rob supports B3ta through his other ventures (hence Usvsth3m links for those who don't know how to turn 'em off). I'm sure he'd do another "icons for cash exercise", if he needed to.

That's Pact coffee, by the way. Delicious fresh roasted coffee direct to your door. Hmmm, Pact Coffee!
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:31, archived)
# I guess the coffee is it.
My bad. Christ.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:39, archived)
# Yes, He can save us all.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:44, archived)
# How was that Pact Coffee enema?
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 23:12, archived)
# Bowel shatteringly good
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 23:29, archived)
# Could help with the flow of the board.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 23:38, archived)
# Haha
Looks through tub girl archive...
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 23:44, archived)
# yes
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:02, archived)
# It's not the users.
If Rob wants the advertising revenue from this place to be worthwhile, he needs to do more to encourage people. But then, he doesn't give a shit, does he? We need more mods, ones who can set challenges, interact with the users on a more regular basis. One mod's not enough. The interaction is not enough. The incentive to join in is not enough.
Sure, we could all decide to get on, post more, be nice, even, but if the compo is just a rehash, if the newsletter is never published, if the few rules we do have are not enforced (NSFW means you can't look on your lunch break at work, eh?), then what's the point?
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:03, archived)
# It depends how you see the site.
It still works a place to launch ideas in a relatively unjudgemental environment and there are enough users for it to feel like a small community rather than a ghost town. If you enjoy making stupid pictures, then it remains fun to join in.

Ultimately, people just wanting to passively view jokes are going to be on Twitter. There is no way to compete with that amount of content - all forums I use have shrunk drastically as a result of social media. They are groups when they once were large communities.

I personally prefer forums to social media, but they are seen as old fashioned.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:29, archived)
# Sure, we all have to deal with the fallout from the 140 characters brigade,
but this place could do much better. It just needs a bit of attention and to share the duties around.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 22:35, archived)
# Top work there old chap, definitely your funniest output to date.
I am well aware that b3ta has become a support group for people to mindlessly like others' work for the sole reason that they like the person who posted it, no matter how shit the post is. I happen to disagree with that notion, which is why I don't contribute anymore, it would be a waste of time. Using Jahled as an example of a lovely bloke just adds to the hilarity of your incredibly cheesy "rant".
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:59, archived)
# my favourite jahled posts are the ones when he says he's going to beat people up
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:00, archived)
# i like the ones about muslims
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:03, archived)
# or that time when he said I was taking tablets for a mental issues

nice bloke. really. he does a lot of work for charity.....
(, Sun 7 Dec 2014, 10:45, archived)
# I think you want Guns and Ammo
that way
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:09, archived)
# what?
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:11, archived)
# Exactly!
You just don't understand, I think you've been infected by an alien. The old dbroon used to play nice, please bring them back you impostors!
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:14, archived)
# You're insufferably cheesy.
I haven't changed.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:20, archived)
# Eat my cheesy arse
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:28, archived)
# Jahled is a malicious shit stirring evil cunt
I would rejoice if that fucking scabby cat mauled him one day
(, Sun 7 Dec 2014, 10:36, archived)
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:59, archived)
# fp
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:03, archived)
# 401px
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 21:04, archived)
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:27, archived)
# Much improved.
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:36, archived)
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:36, archived)
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:38, archived)
# This One
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:41, archived)
# Very Ralph Steadman :)
(, Sat 6 Dec 2014, 20:41, archived)
# hahaha you loon!
(, Sun 7 Dec 2014, 0:11, archived)
# :(
(, Sun 7 Dec 2014, 1:34, archived)
(, Wed 10 Dec 2014, 23:32, archived)