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# you just don't burgle people.
hard to understand, is it?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:05, archived)
# but you can go and buy new things after being robbed;
can't really recover afer being murdered, can you?

both were wrong, but he was more wrong.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:06, archived)
# he should have shot them both
in the leg
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:07, archived)
# no Nanaman - I very rarely ever disagree with you
but what happened to being in your own home with your own things and expecting them to be there when you wake up in the morning?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:07, archived)
# I refer you
to my below comment.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:11, archived)
# and I refer
you to my disagreement ;-)
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:32, archived)
# but maybe
the lad was running away in a particularly threatening fashion when he shot him in the back ...
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:07, archived)
# maybe he had a big mirror...
and he was attcking him in the most difficult way he could to add to the challenge of breaking into a very remote farmhouse occupied by an old man...
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:14, archived)
# But if you're not a thieving git
you don't get murdered by old men with guns.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:08, archived)
# what's he doing with a gun anyway?
i like having incredibly tight gun laws.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:09, archived)
# No idea...
But it's a good thing he had it otherwise it might have been him dead, and two live criminal thieving kids.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:12, archived)
# it was an unlicensed gun
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:16, archived)
# But
he was an unlicenced criminal scumbag that the world is better off without.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:20, archived)
# I agree
just because a lot of people see good in people, doesn`t mean it`s there.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:24, archived)
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:28, archived)
# oh thanks
- I thought about the post for a second, then spat everywhere because of the surrealism of it!

that`ll be another screen wipe!
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:34, archived)
# but, in buying and illegally keeping a shotgun
tony martin also became a criminal scumbag, so that just put them on level pegging ...
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:24, archived)
# I'm all for leaving it at that
and calling it a day then.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:28, archived)
# yep
I can`t argue with that either

(that`s why I have hammers ;-) )
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:48, archived)
# Martin, Tony Martin...
Unlicensed to Kill...pikey scumbags
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:32, archived)
# he's a farmer,
and farmers often use shotguns to shoot vermin that attack their livestock, such as foxes.

anyone who whines about the "poor foxes" can piss off, i lived half my young life in north wales on a farm, foxes arent cute and cuddly, their vicious little bastards that like to kill your chickens
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:18, archived)
# mmm
badgers too

but badgers are ace for other reasons
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:20, archived)
# if he wanted to control fox populations
he'd drive a landrover.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:24, archived)
# no offence, but dont be fuckign stupid
running foxes over in landrovers is very inefficient, and also allows the fox to know where you are.
if, however, you see a fox in you chicken run, all you hafta do is grab a shotgun, and aim. bang. its a quick death, and the fox doesnt suffer.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:28, archived)
# but landrovers kill a lot, lot more foxes than anything else does.
and of course getting shot hurts. so would runinng over, but i doubt you'd like it if i shot you with a great big shotgun, would you?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:33, archived)
# Yeah
I'd feel really good about myself if some poor smack-addicted child, who feared for his life from his abusive parents, was forced to break into my house, and I shot him in the face.

We have courts for this. Don't like it? Go and live in Iraq, you can shoot who you like there, apparently.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:09, archived)
# i want to hug you.
people sometimes seem to forget that people live in different circumstances to themselves.
Not everyone is born equal, 100% fact.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:12, archived)
# very very true.
but i dont feel obliged to go and fucking steal from anyone who has a better lifestyle than me.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:14, archived)
# Good thing too
'cos I'd shoot you too if you did.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:16, archived)
# you just dont get it do you.
some people live in different circumstances.
you are probably fairly comfortable with your current life.
people have mental illnesses, bad upbringings and any of hundreds of other nasty things happening to them, i'm not saying that stealing is right, they just need help, not to be shot.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:18, archived)
# but an old man
being robbed is hardly in a position to give him the help he might need.
Everybody has nasty things happening to them, admittedly some more than others. But at the end of the day they still have to face the consequences of their actions, along with everybody else.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:21, archived)
# what
like a one year sentence, out in 3 months?

I tell you - I could very easily stay in bed all day, get my meals cooked for me, watch telly, have a game of pool all at the tax payer`s expense. Sounds like bliss. I`ll just nip up to Nanaman`s house.

BTW I`m over the limit to drive. That`ll be another slap on the wrist.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:23, archived)
# dont forget to go 30 mph over the limit n'all
you'll end up inside a lot quicker than if you burgle nanaman
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:24, archived)
# well this is it
there aren`t even severity "scales"!

this government wants money, it wants people off the streets (and this would include socialising), and it wants nodding dogs

(um, did I say this government? - I mean governments in general)

-- shit, turning 28 has made me into an old man in record time
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:35, archived)
# i agree
but at the end of the day if you decide to burgle someones house, you obviously feel the need to break the law.
If your theiving shit of a mate gets killed and you get wounded while having broken into someones house, then you shouldnt be allowed to use the law to sue the homeowner for crippling you.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:23, archived)
# oh no, they shouldn't be allowed to do that.
i agree there.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:27, archived)
# Supes
I would totally agree with you if there was a justice system in this country - but the fact is that there isn`t!

I don`t know why I bothered with education and a job. I could be raking it in robbing, mugging, and selling drugs.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:21, archived)
# at least you'd be
protected by the law and would be allowed to sue the people you'd just burgled and frightened the shit out of.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:32, archived)
# can`t argue
with that - I just hope and pray this country doesn`t turn out like America!
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:49, archived)
# Yes, but he shouldn't
have been breaking into an old man's house should he. We've been burgled twice here, and the next fucker is going to get it in the neck.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:10, archived)
# people shouldn't speed either
i vote for cruise misiles to be launched at any car that goes through a speed trap.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:11, archived)
# No
There's a difference between driving a bit fast and deliberaetly victimising an innocent old man with vicious intent.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:15, archived)
# bring back execution?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:16, archived)
# too fucking right...
what if that fucker who attacked you decides to sue you for damaging his fists?

feed them to the polar bears at the zoo!
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:26, archived)
# My father working in a prison
and hearing all sort of stories, you'd be surprised just how close to the truth that is.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:29, archived)
# i don't bear him any resentment
he's just a fucked-up kid who got too old without growing up. wouldn't want him dead
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:36, archived)
will some on please think about the polar bears!
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:46, archived)
# Yep, me

Though there's a difference between speeding and breaking into someone's home, until you kill someone whilst speeding.

isn't this getting a leetle deep for this place?
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:17, archived)
# cyclists who go through red traffic lights too
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:19, archived)
# kill the
fuckers! And kill anyone who farts in public. Bastards. Kill everyone - ever! Maaaaaargh!

(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:26, archived)
# kill people who don't stand on the right of the escalators!
kill the people who drop litter!
kill all drug users!
kill tax evaders!

kill them all! kill everyone on the planet!
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:31, archived)
# yep! Then
we can start again, and.....oh...
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:33, archived)
# exactly.
one less fucking scumbag in the world. You suspend all your human rights when you kick someones fuckign door in with the intent of robbing them blind. little cunt got what he was asking for if you ask me.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:06, archived)
# as I always say...
"ah well, it's not as if we lost a cure for cancer"
/politically incorrect (but fuck it)
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:12, archived)
# "kick someone's fucking door in"?
you haven't got the slightest clue what you're talking about.
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:14, archived)
# i wouldn't wish death on anyone though
not even a pikey :)
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:06, archived)
# but
you`re the hippy-est person ever invented!
(, Mon 4 Aug 2003, 0:07, archived)