b3ta.com challenge: punchlines
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This is a challengePunchlines (This challenge is now closed)


It's the simplest image challenge ever: visualise the punchlines to jokes. And that's it.

(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 19:04)
Pages: 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# i'm really sorry

(, Thu 22 Feb 2007, 0:05, More)
# Another q+d.

(, Thu 22 Feb 2007, 0:04, More)
# took far too long, I love this joke though

(, Thu 22 Feb 2007, 0:03, More)
# What is small, brown & sings in trees?

Had another go with an even pooer joke
(, Thu 22 Feb 2007, 0:02, More)
# What he said...

In the words of Fleetwood Mac, 'Oh Well'!
(, Thu 22 Feb 2007, 0:02, More)

(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:52, More)
# Bindun?

(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:51, More)

not worth 2 separate threads...(or arguably 1 thread)
night all
(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:50, More)
# thought i'd squeeze two more of these out before i got to bed

(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:50, More)
# Not getting any better

Oo I just thought of another one. Not sure its worth it though.
(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:43, More)
# Compoast...

(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:43, More)
# Two goldfish in a tank

(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:37, More)
# Did you hear about the fortune teller who left his hand down his wife's knickers?

*runs, again*
(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:36, More)
# ...

(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:29, More)
# What's blue and fucks old ladies?

*edit* see my profile if you're wondering
(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:24, More)
# There once was...

There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose dick was so long he could suck it.
While wiping his chin,
He said with a grin,
"If my ear were a cunt, I could fuck it."
(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:15, More)
# I should stick to writing...

However, stick figures are somewhat safe to play with...
(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:12, More)
# A man walks into a pub
And says to the barman "A pint of lager and a packet of
helicopter flavoured crisps please".

The barman says "I'm sorry, we don't do helicopter flavour".

The man replies "Ok then - I'll have

(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:10, More)
# so the manager says, "and what do you call this act of yours?"
"and what do you call this act of yours?" 

(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:02, More)
# Quick n dirty for teh compo

(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 23:02, More)
Pages: 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)