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This is a normal post So when the press complaint commission forced the sun to apologise for their massive headline that 1 in 5 muslims in england support isis as "significantly misleading"
that was just a misunderstanding, was it? I mean, excuse me if I'm engaging in "hysterical exageration"
or when the Sun ran a headline saying that book encouraging children to be jihadis were being sold at london mosques was force to be withdrawn because it was " based on forged evidence", that was mistake any newspaper could make
I mean, I just picked these two example because you seem to be insistent that only upheld complaints would indicate that these paper vilify muslims, when to most independent observers it's painfully fucking obvious.
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 13:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post Sauce please.
That is relevant to my interests. I still won't have any truck whatsoever with the idea that these shitty rags were in any way responsible for what that cunt did in Finsbury Park. Also I think the whole "some papers good, others papers bad" is a bit pointless, they are all pretty shitty in their own shitty ways.
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 13:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post how tedious, I mean I suspect if you've somehow formed a view that these papers don't relentlessly stoke fears about muslims as some sort of Darth Vader-like menace despite living in the UK, then a few links won't sway you. but LMGTFY

here's the subtle sun headline

it's a pretty horrible thing to get wrong, don't you think? And a lot of people who probably didn't read the later retraction probably went away believing that there's whole bunch of muslims living in england that support murdering them.

But I couldn't say for sure if this bloke was influenced by the Sun and the Mail or he just had a bad falafel the night before and wanted vengeance. But I could say with certainity that many people are influenced by these rags, and not just the shaven-headed EDL types. They sell by stoking hatred and division and most of all fear. It might be by running lots of photos of Abu Hanza on the cover because he looks like captain hook, or saying muslims are going to outnumber us by 2050 at current birthrates so head for the hill, or something much more viscious. But that's their business model, fear sells
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 13:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post I also guess it was a coincidence that the Sun and Mail printed multiple headlines about Abu Hanza and the Finsbury park mosque up until his arrest in 2004
But no reports in those papers after that the Mosque had shutdown in response, replaced its management, board of trustees and imans and reopened a year later promoting community inclusivity which was widely regarded as a success story. Their readers don't want to know about that.
It just happened to be that mosque that the van man chose
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 14:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yeah. There should have been a media blackout on that.
You know, for the greater good. I bet not a single other paper or news broadcast ever uttered a single word about Finsbury Park mosque. It's all the fault of the Sun and Mail. Case closed.
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 14:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post you're right that they weren't the only ones
though the Sun in particular seemed to have a hard-on for their cover boy Hanza. He does look like a bond villian, I'll admit.
But at the risk of stereotyping the van man doesn't look the type to be reading The Times, put down his Pimms, and announce, "I say old bean, it's time I jolly well went down to that Mosque and give those chaps what for"
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 15:12, , Reply)
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I think we can establish that this guy was a violent, drunken moron. However if you don't think that violent drunken morons are susceptible to suggestion from what they view as a gospel of truth (because they are ignorant and right wing) then you're simply lying to make a point or you have your head in the sand.

If you read in the paper that you're under attack from all corners and you don't have the capacity to go and check with other sources, use your mental reasoning skills, or perhaps don't actually know any muslims, then it's likely that you'll come to believe that point of view after a while.

To use your incorrectly utilised phrase "case closed".
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 15:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Naivety is something you're often accusing others off
Yet you can't see that repeated scare and hate headlines might influence some people. Really?
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 14:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post I have a minority view that newspapers are not really very influential at all.
Last century maybe, but not anymore. They just reinforce pre existent prejudices. They don't mould society, they just reflect it. Their steadily falling circulation is evidence of this.
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 14:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post possibly, but that prick murdoch also has TV stations
still, you seemed to have shifted your ground somewhat from saying those papers aren't rabidly anti-muslim shit-stirrers to now just saying that they aren't very influential, so I guess that's progress of sorts.
I don't mind arguing with you, prufock. For one thing it helps sharpen my own arguments up that tend to become flabby and weak if people agree with me. If the topic comes up with someone else i'll know I'll be on point
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 15:04, , Reply)
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(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 15:09, , Reply)
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1. They don't have falling reader numbers, just circulation. People use the web. Guardian has huge number of online lefty readers, the Daily Mail a similar but opposed audience.
2. They must still be very influential or you wouldn't sound like Richard Littlejohn having a paddy in every political discussions on b3ta ;)
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 15:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post The Mail Online has a massive, growing readership.

(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 15:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post Although that would be slashed in half if people stopped posting mail links here

(, Wed 21 Jun 2017, 11:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post Have you ever read the daily mail?
You have to admit it leans more to the'drum up anger amongst the right wing' than 'balanced reporting of facts' in general style.
To put it mildly.
(, Tue 20 Jun 2017, 14:53, , Reply)