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This is a question This book changed my life

The Goat writes, "Some books have made a huge impact on my life." It's true. It wasn't until the b3ta mods read the Flashman novels that we changed from mild-mannered computer operators into heavily-whiskered copulators, poltroons and all round bastards in a well-known cavalry regiment.

What books have changed the way you think, the way you live, or just gave you a rollicking good time?

Friendly hint: A bit of background rather than just a bunch of book titles would make your stories more readable

(, Thu 15 May 2008, 15:11)
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Homage To Catalonia
When I was but a small, obnoxious, snotty youth (as opposed to the large, obnoxious, snotty auld git I am now), I did that whole angsty questioning thing about what it was all *for*. I was 14, my folks were going through a divorce that made Goatse look pretty, nobody liked me, this girl I really fancied called me Fleabag all the time and I wrote this poem and ... you get the snivelling, nauseating picture

And then God sent me George Orwell's Homage To Catalonia - his account of fighting in Spanish Civil War. But it's much more than that. It's an adventure story, a glimpse of a better world and a harsh lesson in betrayal.

It taught me the meaning of socialism. It taught me to hate conformity. And it taught me to mistrust hierarchy. It led to me to my current political position, which is basically the same as the Diggers.

All of which made my eventual sell-out even more gut-wrenching. Thanks George!
(, Fri 16 May 2008, 14:01, Reply)

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