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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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-FORENOTE- B3tans with sharp memories may find this post rather familiar. That's because this is indeed copy-pasted directly from my post on 'Pet Peeves', a previous QOTW. I see no reason to re-type it - it's in line with this weeks theme and so incredibly, horribly, horribly true.


Well, not so much a shop as a warehouse cash and carry thing - when I was sixteen I worked there on and off for two years, and I honestly believe that my experiences there with Joe Public have shaped me into the bitter, people hating person that I am.

I started to make a list of things that upset me, I presume in an attempt to vent - which lay forgotten for years (I'm now 25.) I found it recently and it made me laugh (To be honest, when I wrote it I wasn't fucking laughing.)

No-one has ever seen it except me - and now you lot. (Edit: twice.)


Picking stuff up, then putting it back down

Putting stuff back that doesn't belong there

The way they come at you with a trolley, deliberately not looking, expecting you to move

The way they always seem to block the shelf you're working on, but never fucking buy it

The way they think they can hurt you by saying "Fine, I'll go to ASDA. It's cheaper." And smile.

"Where's the tonic water?" "It's in the next aisle." "No it's not." Err..yes it fucking well is. They never admit they're wrong when you prove it.

When they drop something and it breaks and then they walk away really quickly and everyone else walks through it! Well done!

The Regular Who Thinks He's Your Friend And Asks For A Discount And Gets Arsey When You Say No.

When you're struggling with something really heavy, and they come up to you and go "excuse me, excuse me, excuse me" until you stop.

The way they expect you to know the price of everything in the store.

Asking for stuff which is obviously frozen - while standing in the paperware aisle, which is on the other end of the store.

When the customer whose kids are misbehaving tell them if they don't pack it in the MAN will get them - pointing at you. The kids then looks at you as if they're about to get raped.

Asking for stuff which blatantly we don't have. Looking at the empty shelf then asking if we have any.

Do You Work Here?

Where is blah blah? Standing next to it.

Asking for something when I know damn well they've not even looked.

Walking up to you and just going "Cat food?" CUNTS AAAARRGHGHNT£N

Blocking the entire aisle with their family and trolley and deliberately not making eye contact.

Walking extra slowly in front of you while you're pulling a pallet of stuff.

Asking you to carry something for them when they're empty handed.

Getting angry when the delivery lorry hasn't arrived.

The way they approach the checkout. Hurry, hurry, the world will end
if I don't pay for my ketchup before that other guy

The way they collar me when I'm on my way to my break

My personal favourite: "The way they walk around with that stupid look on their face." Nice!

Taking stuff off wrapped pallets.

When they walk up behind you when you're wrapping something so
you bump into them, then they go mental at you.

Or when they talk to you while you're wrapping, making you stop, because it's so fucking important you get your fucking cunting lentils.

Asking ridiculous questions - to which there can only be ridiculous answers. "What does this toilet roll look like? Can I open it and see?" "What does this fish taste like?" "is this sugar sweet?"

Last but not least. A fat woman came up to me as I was leaving the store via the frozen section and asked me where the chips were. I politely replied that I wasn't sure as this wasn't my department (truthfully) and she then told me that she hoped I got hit by a bus.
It was one of those moments where it took me a full three seconds to process what I had just heard.

I told her "I think you'd better take that back," and she refused, ambling away with her trolley as if I'd just asked her for 20p.

I walked away before I could do something stupid. Prison wasn't worth the satisfaction of drowning her in fish water out the back.

..in retrospect, some things were just me being stressed and defensive - but at the time it was very very real, and as I've just typed it out, I've gotten all the feeling back again. Rage.
(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 11:40, 1 reply)
"Where is blah blah? Standing next to it."
This happens to me ALL the time. I will hunt out an item for five minutes, give up, ask a staff member and inevitably it's directly behind me. Sorry. :~
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 7:46, closed)

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