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This is a question Evil Pranks

As a student Joel Veitch attached a hose from the sink into my bed. I slowly woke thinking I'd pissed myself. I had the last laugh though. He had to pay for my ruined mattress.

What's the most evil prank you've ever played on someone?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 14:01)
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In my defence it began by accident...
Bizarrely I was at the Henley festival and after a can or two of Hooch, you know you miss it, I let out a rather potent albeit silent arse burp.

Luckily for me I was standing right in front of a small child who was promptly accused by it's mother of doing "poopy pants"! I nearly did poopy pants laughing and to this day I have enjoyed farting on small children and letting them take the blame.

A word of warning for anyone hoping to imitate this wonderful fragrent game; if you get caught parents get angry, the secruity guards get angry and the person whose bonnet you roll over trying escape the screams of farting paedophile will also get angry.
(, Tue 18 Dec 2007, 15:21, 3 replies)
"...to this day have enjoyed farting on small children"
This. Wins. Everything.
(, Tue 18 Dec 2007, 15:32, closed)
Well I seem to have two very flatulent nieces who like to pin the blame elsewhere. They're getting very good at looking shocked too.

(, Tue 18 Dec 2007, 15:46, closed)
I've blamed my little girl for farts pretty much since her birth. My wife thought it was pathetic (as she was a baby and I'm an 18st man) and not in the least convincing.

That was until she was about 4 months old and did a fart to rival my beer/kebab fuelled best. It was unmistakably her, and the look of surprise on her little face surpassed those on ours. We were in stitches for a good ten minutes afterward.
(, Tue 18 Dec 2007, 16:59, closed)

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