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This is a question Family codes and rituals

Freddy Woo writes, "as a child we used to have a 'whoever cuts doesn't choose the slice' rule with cake. It worked brilliantly, but it's left me completely anal about dividing up food - my wife just takes the piss as I ritually compare all the slice sizes."

What codes and rituals does your family have?

(, Thu 20 Nov 2008, 18:05)
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How many sandwiches do you want?
In our house it got tedious asking how many sandwiches you wanted by defining a sandwich as two slices of bread with filling - is that one sandwich or, because it is always cut into two (oblongs not triangles - we're not southerners) does it make two sandwiches. And what if you cut it into four for the little 'uns?

So now we answer that question by stating simply the number of slices of bread that will go into making you chosen amount of sandwich goodness.
(, Fri 21 Nov 2008, 16:23, 5 replies)
Yes, but...
There's already a technical term for it - no matter how you do the cutting, two slices of bread with filling between is known as a round.
(, Fri 21 Nov 2008, 16:27, closed)
ask how many 'rounds' people want...

which is odd and a 'round' has never been defined...
(, Fri 21 Nov 2008, 16:29, closed)
We used Warburton's
. . . it's rectangular.
(, Fri 21 Nov 2008, 16:58, closed)
i have the exact same problem... i have three slices of bread and have done ever since i was wee
(, Fri 21 Nov 2008, 21:12, closed)
We have the same problem
and the same solution.
(, Fri 21 Nov 2008, 21:17, closed)

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