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Catch21 says "I go out of my way to make life hell for my shitty middle-class housemates who go running to the landlord every time I break wind". Weird housemates are the gift that keep on giving - tell us about yours.

(, Thu 26 Feb 2009, 13:28)
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Still Dre...
When I first moved to London, I was in desperate need of somewhere to live - the two-hour commute from my cousin's place was doing my head in after a week. So I ended up getting a shitty bedsit within walking distance of work.

The landlord was an utter cunt, but that's another story.

The (main) problem with this place was the lad in the room next to mine. He was 18 and the first one of his mates to move out. Therefore the house was used as a youth (yoof?) club.

He had a bout a dozen mates who would hang about the place, sometimes when he wasn't even there. While about half of he mates were actually black, the rest were, well, wiggers.

As a result of this, they liked to play hip-hop at loud volumes. But, this being a relatively nice area of Finchley, it was very much radio-friendly hip-hop. They had two favourite tracks that seemed to be on permanent rotation - Eminem's "Stan" and "Still Dre".

This grew a little thin after a while, though I used to counteract it by whacking Pantera's "Great Southern Trendkill", Sepultura's "Chaos A.D." or Fear Factory's "Soul Of A New Machine" at a volume that would be painful, were it not for the earplugs.

One Sunday morning, after me and the missus had had a heavy night on the sherbert, Still Dre started at about 8am. We were not happy and the missus snapped and went and yelled at them. It was really funny to see a dozen "gang-stars" being throughly terrified by a pink-haired Scouse bird who was wearing nothing but a towel that didn't quite cover everything it should cover.

One of them made the mistake of standing up and saying "Wot you gahn do if we don' turn da muzik off?". The towel dropped, the lad never saw the hand coming and my missus had to move his head with her foot to get the towel back.

I didn't hear shit after that...
(, Fri 27 Feb 2009, 11:22, 1 reply)
oh yes
I always wanted one of those.

A pet pink scouse bird you can let off the lead.
(, Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:49, closed)

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