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This is a question Hypocrisy

Overheard the other day: "I've told you before - stop swearing in front of the kids, for fuck's sake." Your tales of double standards please.

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 12:21)
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Hypocrisy, or tragic paradox?
I loved my wife…right up to the moment she died. I wasn’t there as she breathed her last breath, yet there was no ‘knock on the door by the police’ to inform me of my loss.

I was informed in hospital…by my boss, who then compounded my horror when he confirmed that I had been partly responsible for her death…and I wasn’t even aware of it. I hated myself. I don’t want to go into it.

I had only ever wanted the best for her…but without me even knowing I had let my job take a higher priority and it slowly consumed my waking moments, my work was never done. I neglected her. I was devastated.

As I struggled to adapt as a single father, my boss was sympathetic at first, but grew indifferent and intolerant. He kept me working me harder and harder and I’ll admit that it did help mask the pain I was suffering.

I promised myself I would not let my children suffer the same fate…but the lure of success blinded me and I eventually found myself trying to coerce my son into joining the company. He refused. With the benefit of hindsight I don’t blame him – but I refused to listen at the time and our relationship was fractured and troublesome at best.

Then one night he met me in my boss’s office. He asked me to quit my job. As usual I started the persuasive routine, trying to tempt my son away from his own beliefs with glamorous tales of possible fortune & glory…

We began to argue…violently…then I’m ashamed to say we fought.

It was only when I saw my boss was watching us…and actually enjoying it that my eyes were opened to my true responsibilities and what matters in life. I made my decision, and I chose my son.

Yes, I may have made some bad choices and done wrong, but my actions have always been based on love and good intentions.

Double standards? Possibly. But if anybody calls me a hypocrite I’ll do that fucking ‘neck pinchy’ thing and force-choke you ‘til your arse falls out.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:14, 7 replies)
I'm ashamed
I sensed the presence of a bad pun on the second paragraph...
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:19, closed)
Well YOU would!

(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:20, closed)
I felt a great disturbance.
It was as though millions of souls simultaneously cried out "oh FFS!" and indignantly closed their browser windows...
(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:23, closed)
fucking loved it

*hums imperial march*

(, Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:50, closed)
I got the joke as soon as I read "...by my boss".

Still funny, though.
(, Sat 21 Feb 2009, 0:22, closed)
I dont get it
can someone explain please.
(, Tue 24 Feb 2009, 14:02, closed)
I felt sorry for you
And then I realised
And then I felt sorry for you ;-)
(, Tue 24 Feb 2009, 14:54, closed)

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